Two Convicted Drug Traffickers Arrested for Smuggling 30kg of Hashish

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KUWAIT CITY, Jun 28: The General Department of Narcotics Control, in cooperation with the General Department of Coast Guard, successfully arrested two individuals with prior convictions for drug trafficking. These individuals were attempting to smuggle approximately 30 kilograms of hashish into Kuwait for distribution. The General Administration for Narcotics Control announced that the suspects are being referred to the appropriate authorities for all necessary legal actions.

This operation is part of the ongoing efforts by the Ministry of Interior to combat drug trafficking and enhance security cooperation among relevant authorities to apprehend drug smugglers and dealers, thereby protecting society from this destructive threat. The Ministry of Interior affirmed its commitment to continue security cooperation to confront drug dealers and smugglers and safeguard society. The Ministry urged the public to cooperate with security personnel and report any suspicious activities by calling the emergency number (112) or the General Administration for Narcotics Control hotline at 1884141.

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