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author name Arab Times

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DUBAI Oct 19,: Emirates International Figure Skating Championship for men and women commenced in Dubai, a city in the United Arab Emirates. Notably, the Kuwaiti national ice skating team made its debut in this Winter Olympic event.

Mohsen Al-Muasab, the head of the Kuwaiti delegation participating in the tournament and a member of the Board of Directors of the Kuwaiti Winter Games Club, confirmed that the team is represented by two athletes, namely Abdul Wahab Al-Maatouq and Salman Al-Kandari.

Al-Maasab went on to explain that both Al-Maatouq and Al-Kandari initiated their participation in the tournament by completing six rounds in their respective competitions as per the schedule. These rounds will be repeated today, and the ultimate victors will be determined based on the cumulative number of points they accrue.