Verdict upheld in Raja’an embezzlement lawsuit

Heirs obligated to pay dues

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KUWAIT CITY, Jan 16: The Court of Appeals upheld the verdict issued by the lower court which obligated the family members (heirs) of the former head of the Public Institution for Social Security Fahad Al-Raja’an to pay KD 807,400,000 to the Public Institution for Social Security.

The institution had previously filed criminal and civil lawsuits against Al-Raja’an and his wife. Various sentences were issued against them, including a life sentence, a 15-year prison sentence, and a ten-year sentence. They were also ordered to return the amounts they had embezzled as well as double the amounts seized from insurance funds in stock purchases and other operations that took place outside Kuwait. It is worth noting that the Public Prosecution recently recovered assets and funds from the Kingdom of Bahrain amounting to one hundred million US dollars, which is in implementation of the ruling issued against the convicts Fahad Mazyad Al-Rajaan and his wife Mona Muhammad Al-Wazzan.

By Jaber Al-Hamoud
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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