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1391 times read

Ahmed Al-Jarallah

FOR the first time in many years, people in Kuwait feel they are not suffocating as they celebrate their national holidays comfortably, without restrictions, and without the interference of parliamentarians of extremism and backwardness.

This time, no one made people feel like they are not welcomed in this country. No bans were imposed on singing and playing music on this occasion, especially the songs that are dear to all of us.

Alhamdulillah, the people felt some joy, and the celebrations manifested what they harbor in their hearts for their beloved country.

Therefore, His Highness the Prime Minister today must realize that his people are lively, and want to compete with other nations, especially the Gulf ones, in terms of creativity that is outside of any restrictions imposed by extremists who never enter a place without turning it into ruin.

The people have a lot of energy that the extremist trends, the deep state, and the parliamentarians of backwardness have worked to bury by exercising all forms of oppression on them through weird laws, which made Kuwait appear as if it was several centuries behind the present time.

His Highness the Prime Minister’s mission today is to work from the field to discover the latent potential of Kuwaiti youth, who at one stage reached despair.

Hence, some of them migrated to neighboring countries that made room for them to show their creativity and establish successful projects that their country was most in need of.

All of this can only be discovered through serious work, starting with achieving justice for people, preventing extremists from invading public life, and aborting the plans of the deep state.

There is no doubt that a creative leader must be present in the field, as he is a role model for his people. He must work with his ministerial team in a transparent manner, so that no parliamentarian or movement would hinder them. This leads to openness, similar to what happened in Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman where people are nothing less than the Kuwaitis.

However, their governments worked to achieve renaissance, and their leaders were aware of every ins and outs. Through a Board of Grievances, they treated people with justice, as is the practice in most countries of the world.

This office needs a team of honorable people who are known only to His Highness the Prime Minister and take the grievances to him without any personal considerations.

If one of its members disagrees with anyone who is thrown into prison, it is not a security apparatus. Rather, it is supposed to work on studying everything it comes across with transparency.

The first goal of any country is to enhance economic mobility through social stability, as is the case in the Emirates, which opened its doors to all people.

For instance, Dubai Airport alone was ranked as the busiest airport in the world last year. It achieved a record passenger movement of about 87 million. The share of the national product from tourism in the UAE amounted to USD 40 billion. On the other hand, this share of the Saudi national product amounted to about USD 87 billion, which was achieved because of openness and field follow-up by the leaders of those two countries.

Kuwait has all the qualifications that allow it to compete in this field, provided it works to exploit its wealth in modern infrastructure and tourism projects either on the islands or in the entire country, implement long-awaited projects, and ensure the provision of services similar to other countries, instead of investing in global financial markets that yields only crumbs. It must also get rid of the authority of extremists who are only interested in investigating intentions. All of these require a firm decision and determination to implement.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times