SAUDI Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman traveled to the United States of America. It is a historic tour which will take 19 days and he will visit 7 US major cities. The tour will start with his meeting with US President Donald Trump.Before traveling, the Saudi Crown Prince had an interview with US television channel CBS News, where he spoke about his upcoming tour of the US and current situation of the Saudi Kingdom.The statement that caught the attention of the media in his interview and was broadcasted by western and eastern channels was about the changes taking place in the kingdom.Prince Mohammed said: “Saudi Arabia was living a very normal life before 1979. The laws are very clear and Sharia stipulated that women wear decent and respectful clothing like men.”This, however, does not specify a black ‘abaya’ or a black head cover. The decision is entirely left for the woman on what type of decent and respectful attire she chooses to wear.He went on to say, “Saudi schools were infiltrated by many extremist elements such as the ‘Brotherhood Group’. He affirmed that “we will not allow extremism to invade our educational system; we will pluck out the remnants of such ideologies from our schools.”He continued, “We have made strides in giving women their rights and little is left in that. We are working on an initiative, which we will launch in the near future, to introduce regulations ensuring equal pay for men and women.” (Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper 20th March, 2018)We congratulate our brethren in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for being granted an audacious leader who calls a spade a spade.Bin Salman reminded us of Kuwait in the fifties, sixties and seventies; before the closed-minded ideology, which is against development, spread in our societies which were characterized by open-mindedness and tolerance.His words reminded us of the beautiful clothes of our daughters and women, and even our sons and seniors, with their smiling faces.If a quarter of Prince Salman’s words were uttered by any unauthorized person who does not fear blame, you would have heard the mouthpiece of radicals and non-radicals desperately defending the miserable fanatic ideology which has been shunned by its country of origin and its breeding ground.We hope that our officials will contemplate on the words of this senior Saudi official. Their efforts to buy the loyalty of radical groups and giving them the wand in institutions such as education, finance, religion, social and culture led us to the dark pit of corruption which everyone is talking about. This is in addition to the deterioration of education and culture, as well as the increasing monitoring clauses on issues concerning education and culture.The laws are saturated with deterrents, inhibitions and tough punishment on things which are permissible and available in the entire world, up to the point that things almost reached us.If the one speaking was someone else, we would have heard cries, crowing and anti-Islamic accusations; given that these groups, through their delirium, link Islam and Muslims of all kinds with their ideology, deterrents and inhibitions.Last but not the least, we wish one of our influential officials to take a tough step in words and action, similar to that of the Saudi Crown Prince whom we salute for being frank and audacious. We tell him, “Well said. You have silenced your haters.”By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli - Former Minister of Oil