
Thursday, March 06, 2025

When Abdullah bin Hudhafah saved the Muslim prisoners

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When Abdullah bin Hudhafah saved the Muslim prisoners

CALIPH Omar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) sent an army to fight the Romans . Among the soldiers was a young man from the Companions, Abdullah bin Hudhafah (may Allah be pleased with him). The conflict between the Muslims and Romans raged for a long time.

Heraclius (Byzantine Emperor) was amazed by the unwavering determination of the Muslims and their fearlessness in the face of death. He ordered one of the Muslim prisoners to be brought before him.

Abdullah bin Hudhafah was brought to Heraclius, dragged in chains, his hands and feet shackled. Heraclius spoke to him and was impressed by his intelligence and demeanor. He offered Abdullah the chance to convert to Christianity, and promised him freedom. Abdullah bin Hudhafah firmly rejected the offer.

Heraclius said to Abdullah, “Become a Christian, and I will give you half of my kingdom.” Abdullah replied, “No!” Heraclius then offered, “Become a Christian, and I will give you half of my kingdom and share in the rule with you.” Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) responded, “No. By Allah, if you gave me your kingdom, the kingdom of your fathers, and the kingdom of the entire world on the condition that I renounce my religion at the blink of an eye, I would not do it.”

Heraclius got angry and said, “Then I will kill you!”, and Abdullah replied, “Kill me.” Heraclius then ordered his soldiers to drag Abdullah and hang him on a wooden plank to make him a target for the archers, who were commanded to shoot arrows around him. Heraclius offered him Christianity once again, but Abdullah refused and chose death. Abdullah was deprived of food and water, to the extent that he was near death from thirst and hunger. Then, they brought him wine and pork.

Abdullah said, “By God, I know that I am being forced, and I understand that this is permissible in such a situation, but I do not want the infidels to gloat over me.” When Heraclius learned of this, he ordered that good food be brought for Abdullah. He also commanded that a beautiful woman be presented to him, hoping to tempt him into fornication. The most beautiful of women went to Abdullah, but he did not pay attention to her. Seeing his indifference, she left angrily and said, “You took me to a man whom I do not know whether he is a human or a stone. By God, he does not know whether I am a female or a male!” When Heraclius despaired of him, he ordered a copper pot filled with boiling oil to be brought. He made Abdullah stand in front of the pot, then brought one of the Muslim prisoners who was bound in chains and threw him into the boiling oil. The man screamed and died, and his bones floated on the surface of the oil while Abdullah watched.

Heraclius turned to him again and offered him Christianity, but Abdullah refused. Heraclius, filled with anger, ordered that Abdullah be thrown into the pot of boiling oil. As Abdullah was dragged toward the pot and felt the intense heat of the fire, his eyes teared up, and he cried. At that moment, Heraclius was pleased and repeated his offer, “Will you become a Christian? I will give you power and wealth.” Abdullah replied firmly: “No.” Heraclius asked him, “Then, what made you cry?” Abdullah replied, “I swear, I cry because I have only one soul to be thrown into this pot. I wish I had as many souls as the hairs on my head, so I could sacrifice them all for the sake of Allah.”

Heraclius, in his frustration, said, “Kiss my head, and I will release you.” Abdullah responded, “I agree but under one condition that you release all the Muslim prisoners.” Heraclius agreed to Abdullah’s request. When Abdullah and the freed prisoners returned to Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), they told him of what had happened. Omar replied, “Every Muslim must kiss the head of Abdullah bin Hudhafah. I will be the first to do so.”