THE negative phenomenon that I want to talk about in the last month of this year is the exit of Kuwaitis and a significant number of foreigners here in this country whenever there is a holiday, even if it is short.
Few years ago, one of the officials in the Directorate General for Civil Aviation, commenting on the number of people traveling during these holidays, namely Christmas and New Year’s Day, said the number of passengers expected to spend these holidays outside Kuwait during the period from Dec 28 to Jan 1 will reach 119,000.
If such a huge number of people exit the country this year during this period, how many people would leave Kuwait from Dec 20 to the New Year’s Day?
When I traveled recently, I had described the conditions at Kuwait International Airport as miserable, in addition to that the mass escape of the people of Kuwait during holidays.
It is my right and the right of everyone else to wonder about the reason behind this exodus at a time when the weather in Kuwait is beautiful, and life is comfortable and prosperous. If it was during the summer, we could justify this mass exit by claiming it is due to the hot weather conditions and the year-end holidays for schools and for employees.
It is baffling to see this mass exit to spend holidays overseas during winter season. Frankly, the answer to the reason behind this phenomenon does not need much brainwork. There is an unjustified sternness when it comes to Christmas and New Year’s Day celebrations in Kuwait. These two occasions used to be a normal phenomenon in Kuwait before we were afflicted by the “Brotherhood/Salafist” fanatics, and after having governments that flattered them at the expense of the nation and its people.
One of my friends told me that a pianist who plays in a hotel lounge has to, or the hotel has to, apply for a monthly license from Ministry of Interior (another new negative phenomenon). Such licenses are not issued either for Islamic or other celebrations. This is due to the fanatic belief that a person playing the piano is an alien phenomenon in Kuwait. Sadly, Ministry of Interior is completely silent about it.
We address the people of alien phenomenon and those under their shadows and are obedient to them, “YOU ARE THE ONLY ALIEN PHENOMENON IN OUR LIVES”. And we beg to ask, “When will you end your alien phenomenon in our lives?”
e-mail: [email protected]
By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli
Former Minister of Oil