RECENTLY, King Abdullah II of Jordan talked about the importance of breaking the peace process deadlock between Palestine and Israel to reach a fair and permanent peace settlement based on the two countries’ solution during his meeting with the president of Panama. “This settlement leads to establishment of an independent Palestinian State and its capital in East Jerusalem,” he added. Undoubtedly, the Jordanian king is concerned with the Palestinian case exactly like its people; because Jordan has been bearing repercussions of the case in the last 70 years and it continues to pay the price till date. Therefore, his talk about the importance of reaching settlement between the two countries and his rational stance are based on the political reality. This should become the Arab’s approach and they should stop holding on to illusionary slogans which have intensified the suffering of Palestinians and Arabs. Majority of rational Arab leaders have realized that this position will disappoint those trading in the issue, and in this case, they are many. Hence, this position will be a dais for criticism of those leaders, as reaching permanent settlement simply means the end of investment in Palestinians’ blood. This is because groups like ‘Hamas’, ‘Hezbollah’, ‘Sa’ka’, ‘General Commands’, ‘Abu Nidal’ and others will no longer exist with those who are funding them in order to carry out their programs under the pretext of ‘liberating Palestine’. These programs led to the killings of Palestinians and Arabs in general by bullets manufactured in Israel and explosives from ‘Mossad’ warehouses. The permanent settlement of this crisis will eliminate motives which Iran uses to instigate proxy wars; as it happened in Iraq, Syria and Yemen by claiming that “the road to Jerusalem goes through Riyadh, Manama, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi.” Then, the Houthi group comes out saying, “We will liberate Palestine after liberating Saudi Arabia.” Also, Al-Jazeera news channel and other hired media for the Muslim Brotherhood Group will not get any ammunition to accuse others of normalizing relations with Israel. The streets in Doha are saturated with Israelis while Israeli politicians are appearing in television channels. This is happening at a time stories are being fabricated about the visits of officials of Saudi Arabia or that of other Gulf countries to Tel Aviv. In fact, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman has been accused of secretly visiting the occupied Palestine. Indeed, the peace process deadlock must be broken. However, this will not happen unless a unified Arab opinion replaces contradicting opinions among Arabs in terms of addressing the world. This signifies fragility. At this point, Arabs must review resolutions made during their summits, starting from the 1946 Inshas (Egypt) Summit, to determine what they have achieved from such events. After the Palestinian exodus in 1948, the Egyptian revolution came on the ‘horse’ to liberate Palestine, followed by the Six-Day War, and then the death of Abdul-Nasser after exhausting the Palestinian issue following a series of defeats caused by the stances he took which subsequently enhanced the position of Israel. The misery of refugees transformed into an Arab nightmare, especially for Jordan, when the Palestinian organization turned its rifles in 1970 to seize power in Jordan and regard it as their alternative country. Since that part of history, several incidents and internal conflicts happened between Arabs; while Israel was calmly expanding, up to the extent that only tiny pieces of land remained from the 1948 Palestine. Before reaching this condition, many opportunities were presented by the pragmatism politics of Saddat when he visited Tel Aviv, but the Arabs did not realize its importance until many years later. Today, there is a national authority on a piece of Palestinian land, although this authority does not have the support which qualifies it to move towards peace until the establishment of an independent State of Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem. This cannot be achieved as long as someone is trading in the Palestinian case and making those fascinated by them believe that the road to Jerusalem passes through all the Arab capitals. By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times