I and hundreds of thousands of Kuwaitis believe that our recent governments and parliaments opted to make us live among the pits.  Lacking decisiveness, they are afraid of climbing mountains!!

Otherwise, what is this regression at all levels? We cannot be compared to sisterly countries led by the big sister -- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; as well as the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain and Sultanate of Oman.

Instead, we have become regressive and being compared with countries that are known as backward like the former Switzerland of the Middle East -- Lebanon!! Here, we see the results of the recent elections, which are not in the interest of those who pushed everything back to decades ago -- those with limited and medium incomes. The suffering in life has passed!!

A friend who loves Lebanon told me that in the old Christian market of Jounieh last week, a marathon was held for the elderly who spent the past years and months at home. They did not leave their homes, so they contracted various diseases.  The elderly’s diseases increased due to lack of movement.

In Kuwait -- the former Pearl of the Gulf, we have -- by chance or grace of Allah Almighty -- the remains of the heritage of our fathers and grandfathers. We have the Mubarakiya Market where fire incidents happened repeatedly -- about twice a month!!  We recently saw our officials from Kuwait Municipality, Municipal Council and Ministry of Commerce visiting the market -- the victim of their negligence and disregard.

These are pieces of evidence of our living among the pits, thanks to the decisions of our irrational governments and lack of oversight or legislation on the part of our parliaments. It is explained in more than a trivial incident, such that the decision-makers usually miss the topic. It is about a larger issue as promised by the government through the words of one of its senior officials. This was after hearing about the great leader of achievements in the Public Institution for Social Security, which was founded by my friend -- the late Hamad Al-Joaan at the request and patronage of HH the late Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad -- may God give rest to his soul. Together with Al-Joaan in the office and Dasman Palace; he regularly reviewed the texts of the law on the establishment  of such a pioneering institution, most of which were derived from the laws of North European countries known to be advanced in this field...

The Public Institution for Social Security officials failed the great leader, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber -- may God protect him, when they agreed on granting each retiree a lump sum of KD3,000.

 The public pressure has increased over their failure to fulfill promises and their deteriorating performance, on top of which is their failure to recover hundreds of millions of Kuwaiti dinars from the thief -- their former president who along with his family are now living like emperors, kings, latest technology moguls and social media influencers.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil