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Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil
WE were brought up based on the saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), “Is not amongst us who scams us?” This is the way we are wired.We wish to see our ‘Awqaf’ fanatic ministry and our multi-million fanatic societies to launch a campaign against scammers living amongst us, instead of their controversial campaign on the ‘hijab’.The ‘hijab’ campaign has proven that, “Strong resolve comes in proportion to men of determination,” considering this group of people trade with Islamic appearance.This is the most that the ministry can do in serving society. All we wish for is that Almighty Allah rewards the one who exposes scammers wherever they are in our society, although this is not our topic for today.Our topics are the prohibited scam, the Kuwaiti scam which is allowed, and the position of other countries ‘infidels’ on the standards of our fanatics regarding this issue.The society was astonished when some students in schools of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education organized a protest in front of the minister’s office to demand for allowing the examination scam (cheating).Definitely, this was shocking for us We are used to hearing about cheating in examinations, mics and speakers, leakage and selling of exam papers by educators and teachers who lack conscience; but for the matter to reach the point of protesting against prohibition of cheating, this clearly indicates we are approaching the Hereafter.Worst of all is that the parents shamelessly supported their children as they demanded an audience with the minister to pressure him and to explain the suffering of their cheating children.This is happening in Kuwait where there is the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage, Social Reform (Al-Islah) Society, Patients Helping Fund, transparency and a long list of fanatic political societies which receive financial benefits.For a moment, let us focus on what happened recently in countries which our esteemed fanatics described as land of infidels and sins. This year, the Indian government stopped the widespread cheating operations.According to the government’s statistics, strict monitoring regulations during invigilation resulted in disqualification of more than 600,000 students in a major province in India.This number exceeds 10 percent of the registered examination candidates. The reason behind this huge number of students disqualified from exams was the government’s installation of advanced security cameras in schools, in addition to police officers, in a bid to fight against what is known as ‘cheating mafias’.The funny thing is these cameras did not only capture students who were cheating during exams, as some teachers were seen helping students cheat. Among these teachers was a principal whose intention would have been to brag to parents about the excellent performance of his school.In China, news cameras recorded an examination room which is as big as a football pitch, where Chinese students were taking their examinations quietly, without humans or security cameras monitoring them.Would you blame us if we wish to be like the Indians or Chinese, or at least we emulate them … would we do that?By Ali Ahmed Al-BaghliFormer Minister of OilEmail: [email protected]