‘Women to occupy senior positions in Awqaf ministry in coming weeks’

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KUWAIT CITY, June 3: Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs will witness some changes in various departments in the coming weeks with the aim of giving chances to the youth especially women to occupy senior positions in the ministry, reports Al-Qabas daily quoting informed sources.

They indicated that Minister of Justice and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Fahad Al-Afasi will issue a decision on filling 17 supervisory vacancies including positions of directors, heads of departments, technical directors and monitors in addition to the position of assistant undersecretary for Hajj Affairs.

The sources revealed about the pressure practiced by some Islamic blocs in order to gain as many vacant jobs as possible, stressing that filling the vacancies will be done according to objective evaluation without any form of favoritism.

Meanwhile, sources indicated about coordination among Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor to form a threeway committee for arresting those who pretend to be Imams at Ministry of Awqaf and collect donations from citizens in diwaniyas and the stables of horses after giving some preaches for gaining the sympathy of the youths.

Meanwhile, Minister Al-Afasi issued a decision to reorganize the Fatwa and Legislation Department and its three relevant specialist committees. The decision includes defining the tasks and specializations, and the types of topics that the department will be tasked to issue fatwas on.

The decision also defines the conditions for membership in the Fatwa and Legislation Department and the characteristics required from the candidates. These conditions include being a Kuwaiti citizen, being an efficient clerk with deep experience in the field of fatwa and jurisprudence, and a history of good behavior

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