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Ahmad Al-Sarraf
LAST Thursday as I was driving back home, it was past 3pm and the temperature was about 34 degree Centigrade. I then noticed a patrol vehicle stop behind a small pickup vehicle on a side road parallel to the Fifth Ring Road.I wanted to see what had happened but I couldn’t reverse my car, so I drove to the next U-turn, which made me cross half of Jabriya area. This took 30 minutes off my lunch break but it was definitely worth it.When I reached the location and parked my car, I saw a sight that was not familiar or common here in Kuwait. The driver of the broke-down pickup, which turned out to be an ambulance, did not know Arabic and spoke poor English. One of the vehicle’s tyres had been punctured and completely destroyed. The uniformed policeman left his air-conditioned patrol vehicle and went out in the heat to give a helping hand to the driver.I know from my experience that there are strict instructions given to securitymen not to leave a broke-down vehicle on highways without helping the driver take it to a safer location or to stay with him until the tow truck arrives. In most cases, the officer sits inside his patrol vehicle and enjoys the cool air of its air conditioner, using social media such as WhatsApp until the tow-truck arrives.However, this particular policeman was quite different from the others I have seen. He helped the driver replace the punctured tyre with a spare one under the hot weather. I asked the policeman if I could take a picture of him, and I appreciated him for his humane attitude which deserves gratitude and admiration.What Majed Al-Mutairi, the kind policeman, did was an act of civilization in a region where such actions are becoming rare, especially with the existence of many arrogant people who are convinced that they are better than others.I really wish one of the major leaders of Ministry of Interior will honor this policeman Majed Al-Mutairi. If such an honor came from the Minister of Interior himself, it would be perfect. From my side, I am willing to contribute to his honoring by offering a reward not less than KD 500. I also call on our dear readers to contribute to the honoring of the wonderful Majed [email protected]By Ahmed Al-Sarraf