Work permits issuance under new policies to restart in June

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PAM warns against manipulation, imposes penalties

KUWAIT CITY, May 21: The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) will most likely resume the issuance of work permits as per new regulations by the beginning of June. Reliable sources confirmed that PAM will continue to operate under the leadership of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and Interior Sheikh Fahad Yousuf Al-Sabah to realize the vision and implement regulations aimed at improving the labor market and addressing the demographic imbalance issue.

Sources revealed to Al-Seyassah/Arab Times that PAM is expected to hold meetings chaired by the minister this week and next week to assess the readiness for issuing work permits in June. They confirmed that certain regulations will be established, emphasizing that only those who are eligible will benefit from these regulations. They warned that manipulation of this issue will be strictly prohibited, and strict directives have been issued to impose penalties on violators.

These sources also affirmed that decision number 3/2024 amends the regulations for issuing work permits in order to reduce the cost of hiring expatriate workers. The regulations include granting permits to employers to hire workers from abroad based on the estimated number required for each business. They clarified this decision does not require the employer to transfer the residency permit of the workers they hire from the local labor market, as this would contribute to visa trafficking and exacerbate the shortage of construction workers and other industries that recently experienced price increases.

It is worth mentioning that decision number 3/2024, issued on April 20, states that employers can obtain work permits for laborers based on the number determined by the relevant department at PAM. The decision allows workers to work for another employer during the first three years, provided they have the approval of their sponsor and pay a fee of KD 300. The following businesses are exempt from these regulations: public sector companies, hospitals and clinics licensed by the Ministry of Health, private institutes, schools and universities, foreign investors accredited by the Direct Investment Authority, sports clubs, public benefit organizations and societies, cooperative societies, charities, agriculture, fishing, grazing, commercial real estate, industrial institutions and small industrial enterprises.

By Fares Al-Abdan
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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