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THE medical rule says, “Prevention is better than cure.” This rule is applicable to the mission of a journalist whose duty is to avert danger by using information obtained from his own sources. This is exactly what ‘Al-Seyassah daily’ has been doing.This attitude is based on the belief of ‘Al-Seyassah’ in the principle of putting the supreme national interest above everything. According to this principle, the aim of what ‘Al-Seyassah’ published about the disappearance of a number of Abdali cell members was to seek the truth and offer it to public opinion. The aim of ‘Al-Seyassah’ has nothing to do with what liars and opportunists have been trying to point out over the last few days. Their real objective is to defame ‘Al-Seyassah’ and settle personal scores by presenting imaginary explanations that have nothing to do with the truth.The Opinion Section of ‘Al-Seyassah’ about Abdali cell stressed that the entire Ministry of Interior cannot be blamed, because they did nothing but enforce the law. ‘Al-Seyassah’ stressed that the judicial authority also enforced the law. The position of ‘Al-Seyassah’ then was nothing but to follow the law. ‘Al-Seyassah’ never used its articles in favor of this or that ministry. It never launched one-sided campaigns to serve personal interests as some are trying to prove.Their main target is the freedom of a patriot/nationalist media by attacking ‘Al-Seyassah’.However, the wisdom of the government which defines the supreme strategy of the State is much bigger than some interpretations spread on social media.For 49 years, ‘Al-Seyassah’ has never deviated from patriotic tracks which do not accept bargaining. Stories published by ‘Al-Seyassah’ in the last few days were confirmed through data released by official bodies. Nevertheless, in case the published stories contained legal errors, we accept the judgment of the court. We strongly believe that the impartial judiciary is capable of giving everybody what they deserve. We trust our judges and we believe they fear no one but God.We also leave the terrorizing practices of some opportunists against ‘Al-Seyassah’ for the judiciary to decide.Some are trying to portray the truth in a wrong way. In this regard, we stress that we stand at a distance from the ministers with all due respect and appreciation to them. We support them whenever they do something right and we keep on pointing at places of defect as per the media regulations known in Kuwait for decades. We always help them not to let citizens down and we believe they have the same objective. We and the ministers are keen on keeping the supreme trust given by HH the Amir.Much has been said in this context over the last few days. Some went too far as they accused us of publishing what could be the beginning of the dismissal of the current Cabinet.In response to those trivialities, we say that the State has a leader who is known around the world as wise and farsighted. The whole issue is in his hands. He has the prerogative to decide the future of the Cabinet according to the Constitution of Kuwait. It is too naive to think in an imaginary manner.This Cabinet, which obtained the trust of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, is doing its mission according to a specific plan. There are many constitutional channels — parliamentary or others — for deciding the future of the Cabinet. These channels do not include ‘Al-Seyassah’.Stemming from our responsibility to offer advice, we urged liars and opportunists to read the law and the Constitution. The executive authority does not need your explanations and wrong conclusions. Be assured that the executive authority is wise and intelligent enough to help the captain of the ship reach the shores of safety and soundness, especially in such a rough sea. The executive authority has succeeded in its mission. It will continue to succeed, thanks to the wise democracy of Kuwait, along with the freedom of the responsible and patriotic media. Kuwait is not at all a police state.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times