KUWAIT CITY, May 19: On last Thursday, May 11, Kuwait Music Academy in Salwa offered its stage to an exceptional concert and workshop project by international young musicians. The event was held under Honorary Patronage of H.E. Ambassador of Slovak Republic to Kuwait Igor Hajdusek and with very fruitful cooperation of the Slovakian Embassy with Kuwait Music Academy. H.E. Ambassador opened concert with address to the participants and the audience attended the event. In the first part performing artists were four very talented young Slovak musicians visiting Kuwait. They are members of the original Clarinet Group ‘Aurum Quartet’.

During their attractive program audience listened to original works by Slovak composers, among others. Members of Aurum Quartet performing on the stage were Albin Blaho, Rada Kovacova, Simon Stimel and Juraj Pivoluska. Their ensemble was formed when all of them were students of Bratislava Conservatory and Janacek Academy of Performing Arts. Within few years they graduated their Institutes with honors, won some prestigious competitions and started to work as concert soloists, teachers, members of National Orchestra and Theater. They were mainly in Slovakia but also abroad, like Rada Kovacova, cooperating with The Vienna University.

However they continuously perform together on series of Viva Musica Festival, running along whole Slovakia as well as abroad, from Berlin to Kuwait. In 2021 they recorded their first CD and presented this program on prestigious presentations in Bratislava, the capital of the Slovakia Republic. In the second part of the event joined the stage young artists – musicians from Kuwait: Seoyon Baek, Tejia Wang, Shaun Thomas, Deema Mouzzen and Nigel Savio Do Rosario, presenting brilliantly world classical repertoire by Bach, Mozart, Chopin and Albeniz. They are winners of several top prizes in Int’l Music Competitions held recently in Kuwait, Romania and Bahrain. Common workshop was held under leadership of Slovak female artists, Rana Kovacova.
The highlight of the event was the presentation of awards to the guest artists and H.E. Slovak Ambassador Igor Hajdusek by Co-founder of KMA, Mrs. Fajer Al-Mazidi and the Ambassador’s Letters of Appreciation for organizers of the event: Kuwait Music Academy and personally to KMA’s Co-Founder, Mrs. Fajer Al-Mazidi, KMA Managing Director Karol Masternak and KMA Secretary, Mrs. Malak. For Kuwait Music Academy, the first professional music school established in Kuwait, its founders, lecturers and first of all – talented, young musicians, it is the opening of new, successful card of international activities, a reason to be proud of their achievements. However, probably for young artists the best prize was warm applaud of the quite a large Kuwaiti audience and great atmosphere of friendship, common passion to music and perfect understanding with European guests, without need of any translators. It is seen in the photos from the event. This is the miracle of language of music and generally – culture