THE uproar caused by one of the champions of the “Musical Chairs” Assembly over a women’s health club’s announcement of a course on belly dancing for women, and the subsequent submissiveness and concession of the rational government, represented by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, was a shameful thing to take place, considering that we are in the second decade of the twenty-first century.

In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, we used to watch on Kuwait TV channels – first on black and white screens and later on color screens, women dancing to the rhythm of folklore songs. We saw the queens of belly dancing among our Egyptian sisters in the cinemas of Al Sharqiya, Hawalli, Al Hamra and Al Firdaus. We enjoyed their fine art, and we still watch these dances on all Arab and foreign television channels except Kuwait TV.

What customs and traditions are the fundamentalists of this country referring to when a woman dances at a wedding in the presence of other women, or for her husband, or at a party with her female friends?

All brotherly and friendly countries have abandoned those customs and traditions that we have been plagued with because of some of those who won votes in the notorious elections held on December 5, as well as those who preceded them and were entrenched with cheap slogans about our customs and traditions. These are customs and traditions that we had witnessed before being plagued by the fundamentalists of this country and their likes who took over its joints, even though Kuwait was once the capital of Gulf art, culture and arts.

A friend said he used to visit a brotherly Gulf country on weekends where he was amazed at the level of openness and civilized manifestations in public places such as swimming pools, beaches, restaurants and rest houses where mixed parties were being held. One cannot find a place there unless he books a few days earlier.

Such places are largely attended by young men and women from all walks of life. They do so calmly, politely, with high morals, and without any fuss or battles, as is happening in our beloved country recently where there are verbal and physical attacks, which even extend to murder, being carried out by young people in cold blood because of the drugs they take that are prohibited in all countries of the world but are being traded by the Kuwaiti youth with ease.

We see and hear every day about the misfortunes taking place in our beloved peaceful country due to the unjustified closure and restrictions on young people in their gatherings, and preventing them from their innocent recreational activities under the pretext of customs and traditions.

These are customs and traditions, as I mentioned, brought to us recently from outside this country, thanks to holders of dual nationality, counterfeiters, fundamentalists and the militants, who have been silenced in the country of origin and the rest of the sister countries except our country  which has been plagued by corruption from all sides.

Such people do not care about corruption. In fact, some of them exaggerate corruption, but are always and forever entrenched behind the slogans of their outdated customs and traditions that remind us of the shouts of “about turn” by our sports teachers in the old days.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil