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author name Arab Times

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A student pictured smoking - Al-Qabas daily photo A student pictured smoking - Al-Qabas daily photo

KUWAIT CITY, April 23: The phenomenon of smoking among students is increasing dramatically and is no longer limited to high school students but it is obvious the habit has seeped into the intermediate level students and even elementary, reports Al-Qabas daily.

According to reliable sources a total of 1,384 students — boys and girls — at intermediate and secondary levels were caught smoking inside the school premises.

The source pointed out smoking spread among secondary school students and teachers detected 874 cases — three of them female students — of smoking in all schools over the past year, an increase of 63 percent of the total cases. The sources added 413 cases were detected in the intermediate schools, an increase of 30 percent, including 13 female students, and, 97 cases, all male pupils, in the elementary school.