KUWAIT CITY, July 16: Until now about 750,000 citizens and residents have completed the biometric fingerprints within 75 days, said Ministry of Interior Saturday and stressed that it continues to take fingerprints for everyone, reports Al-Qabas daily. The Public Relations and Security Media Department of the ministry said in a press statement that work is underway to open new centers in some commercial complexes and the ministries complex, to make it easy for everyone to complete this procedure.

The ministry added that citizens and residents can book biometric fingerprint appointments through the “Sahel” application and the “Meta platform”, while citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries can book appointments through the website of the Ministry of Interior (moi.gov.kw), stressing that “passengers are allowed to leave from the State of Kuwait without the need to take a fingerprint, and it is taken upon return.” The ministry stated that these efforts come within the framework of the Ministry’s strategy aimed at developing and automating services provided to the public to facilitate the citizens, residents and GCC citizens to save time and effort and raise the level of performance and achievement. The sources pointed out that the new security system at the border crossings has achieved remarkable success.
Steps to enroll for an appointment
- Meta website (Click Here https://metaprodapp.azurewebsites.net/En/Home/Index)
- Login into your account or register
- Click on Appointments Search from Menu
- Click on Ministry of Interior Service Categories button
- Choose General Department Of Personnel Identification
- Choose the last option Biometric Enrollment click on the button Apply