Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

THE incident that took place in the National Assembly during last Tuesday’s session was extremely ridiculous. The actions of some lawmakers whose audiovisual report was watched globally call for reconsideration as to whether or not it is necessary for us to have a Parliament. The incident made us to think about this kind of democracy and Parliaments ... as it’s unprecedented in our defective democracy!!

We thank Allah the Almighty that actions of the majority of those who were involved in the wrongdoings contradicted the character of the Kuwaiti founding fathers who upheld mutual respect between the young and the old, forming the basis of our upbringing until this moment. We say they acted far from the character of Kuwaiti people, because we know ourselves easily without stress. There’s an adage I would like to quote in support of my statement, “We are all children of a single village where every one of us knows his brother”.

The personalities involved in the heated session acted true to what we know of them through their blemished parliamentary actions demonstrated in that session, and their parliamentary lives. We understand that some of them are first timers or the voices of fundamentalists in their electoral constituencies who are teleguided by fundamentalist movements in Kuwait (Brotherhood and Salafist) the same way we change TV channels with remote control.

We hope that this government will comprehend the role played by destructive fundamentalist groups and stop showering them with gifts and benefits! Some of them are supporters of failed activists, so they just want to serve their heroes who fled the country out of fear in order to evade the execution of judicial verdicts. Many others are behind the random nationality disaster or change in the nationality article, which is easy to detect from their structure, language and public behavior in and outside the Parliament, as their language and behavior are incompatible with those of the people of Kuwait – urban and rural dwellers, Sunnis and Shiites.

The last group among them includes those who have had their hands soiled with millions of fundamentalist forces through their Ali Baba aides under the pretext of Zakat, philanthropy and providing aids for the poor and needy, so it’s no surprise to see them behaving like outcasts. They also represent the voice of their master.

Allah knows that we are innocent of their unprecedented behavior that is too disgusting to mention due to those reasons and others. We beseech Allah the Almighty that our children and grandchildren would not see or hear the uncouth languages used, so they don’t copy it to hurt whoever hears it and to avoid clashing with viewers and listeners.

By Ali Ahmad Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil