ALMIGHTY Allah says in the Holy Quran: “O you who believe! If an evil-doer comes to you with news, verify it, lest you harm people through ignorance and then regret what you have done.” (Quran 49:6)
Given that we are not like what the evil-doers claim we are in terms of stirring disgraceful sectarianism, we ask those who strive to fuel sectarianism – What does Saleh Ashour think of himself to post the tweet – “Minister of Interior should refer Ahmad Al-Jarallah to the prosecution. Is he the word of this country? Or does he think the minister works for him and hence orders him, and at the same time mobilizes his reckless cyber trolls to incite sedition and shed blood?”?
On the basis of what crime should the Minister of Interior refer us to the prosecution or the anti-cybercrime authority? What kind of sedition, or rather strife, did we cause or incite?
Ashour, don’t throw stones while living in a glass house. You are making false accusations against us and then inciting others of weak intellect against us.
Perhaps you will win a handful of votes in the upcoming elections, but let us say this clearly to you – We are not your ballot box. We will not give you what others who are tougher than you were unable to take from us. We fight sectarianism in whatever way we can. We bring together the components of the society that you and those around you seek to divide. Therefore, don’t fish in murky waters because you will only get disappointed.
You already know that Ahmed Al-Jarallah has been a fighter for decades; in fact, since the time the sectarians – those who are loyal to others other than their homeland and people – started breathing the air of life.
We have been fighting against anyone who abuses and disrespects the mother of the believers – Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) whom the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) chose as his beloved wife, let alone the fact that she has the stature of a pious and pure one, from whom this nation learns.
You know that we are hostile to all those who insult the companions of the Messenger of Allah (May Allah be pleased with them all) who carried the torch of the message. We do not differentiate between them, because they have great merit in this nation.
Therefore, we do not care about the backlash of our response to those who disregard these values in both conviction and behavior, and we pray to the Almighty not to render you among those who divide the national fabric and stir up strife.
O Saleh Ashour, if you believe you tweeted about a violation, then why didn’t you go to the Justice Palace to file a case against us?
Do not contact the Minister of Interior, the Minister of Information, or the anti-cybercrime authority, because you know that these people will not refer anyone to the Public Prosecution if no crime was committed.
So, what crime do you think we committed? We are in a state of law and institutions. We are not in a militia farm based on the principle of “Seize him and shackle him”, as is the case with the militia farms that you know well.
What was published was a picture of some people, and a verse from the Quran, even though the verse has nothing to do with the picture, unless you and those orbiting where you orbit believe the verse applies to those in the picture. If that is the case, then the problem is with your understanding, not ours.
So, I repeat and ask you – Do you think that the verse applies to those in the picture? If it is the opposite, then why do you want to wear this outfit?
In the picture are some internationally wanted people accused of terrorism. He and his aides blew up embassies, oil installations and public cafes in Kuwait, and even tried to assassinate the late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad, hijacked Kuwaiti planes, and ... and ... the list goes on.
Some of those who were charged with this terrorism were stirring up unrest in the country and committing terrorist crimes – I mean “the Abdali Cell”, the members of which are currently in prison.
No doubt, you know that Kuwait is a signatory to international treaties to combat terrorism and dry up its sources. So do you think the Ministry of Interior and its minister will deviate from the international consensus and the country’s supreme policy, and violate the laws to satisfy your seductive-electoral ego?
Here is a piece of advice I want to give you – “If God wants the ant to perish, He will then let it grow two wings”. Think about this carefully.
As we closed the page of Saleh Ashour for a while, we will go to the “one fifth and fifty” newspaper, which erected ghosts of sedition in the desert of the mirage. We say – first, it will not help to cry over what is not present. Second, we wish you did not fall into what you fell, as you vomited this on the front page of the newspaper. Since that has been done, we have one direction in that regard – the just and impartial Kuwaiti judiciary, through which we seek refuge and to whom we turn. This is to repel the plot of the perpetrators who prevent us unjustly and to preserve our blood that was wasted falsely.
My colleagues in that newspaper should have prioritized paying attention to other matters that are of more importance to the reader, such as publishing the names of those involved in the “Ministry of Interior Hospitality” case who escaped or are being aided to escape, and how, especially since a lot of information is being sent by the media and social networking sites about those who disappeared after opening the file of that case, and was still under suspicion.
It was also a priority for this newspaper to reveal the exaggerated hotel bills and to whom it was spent, the medical bills abroad, the story of the American fugitive who was profiting from these businesses, and the encroachment on public money, as well as to reveal some companies in Jebel Ali, why they were stationed there and how they are managed, or that “enchanted bank”, instead of blackening its front page with nonsense and delusions that only exist in the ill imaginations of suspects?
The “one fifth and fifty newspaper” was not supposed to get involved in the demands of a group that does not support Kuwait and uses the money it collects from people for interests that do not have anything to do with Kuwait and to do nothing good.
Even if they asked the newspaper to do so, it should not obey them; however, there is benefit in what is harmful. So since they went through that hateful entrance, we repeat – We have a well-known judiciary in Kuwait, and we will sue them for inciting against us. So if their defense is correct, we will willingly accept the verdict, and if our defense is correct, then they should assume responsibility for their actions and not shed tears for forgiveness through mediation.
We had hoped that the “one fifth and fifty” newspaper would publish details of the real estate deals and their secrets through which Kuwaiti citizens were deceived and their money was flown. However, we say – What the winds bring will be taken by storms, and the storms are undoubtedly coming.
Finally, we want to ask “one fifth and fifty” newspaper and Saleh Ashour – Do you want us to remind people about the owner of the seditious and sectarian file overflowing with indictment documents in one of the neighboring countries? How was he forgiven? And why? Who brought him back to Kuwait?
We are satisfied with that now and for a while, while we end by saying, “O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm people out of ignorance and become regretful about what you have done”.
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times