Ban on selling items with Kuwait state emblem

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KUWAIT CITY, Jan 21: The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has warned against marketing or selling any product or publication bearing the image of His Highness the Amir, His Highness the Crown Prince or state emblem of Kuwait.

Products and commodities of all kinds displayed in a shop

“Article 16 of the ministerial resolution No. 216 of 2014 bans exhibiting, selling, or marketing any product or publication putting a printed photo of His Highness the Amir, His Highness the Crown Prince or the state emblem,” the ministry Undersecretary Mohammad Al- Enezi told KUNA. He affirmed that the ministry would not hesitate in taking legal actions against violators. Al-Enezi cautioned that the ministry inspection teams were carrying sudden raids on stores to catch violators. He added that the inspectors had already registered a number of violations in this regard. (By Salem Al-Methen – KUNA)

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