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THE joy of the government in the survival of its Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Al-Muhammad from the vote of no-confidence was short-lived after both the Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali and the Interior Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Mansour tendered their resignation in protest of the parliament’s abuse of interpellation tool.

This was followed by MP Abdullah Al-Mudhaf filing an interpellation against the Minister of Public Works. It is expected that MP Bader Al-Mulla will file an interpellation against His Highness the Prime Minister in the coming days.

The government deserves to be blamed for all this, due to the fact that the head of the government did not realize from the start that handing over the “thread and needle” to the MPs would lead to this difficult situation, and that his government would collapse sooner than anticipated because it was based on unstable grounds.

Is it conceivable that within a month and a half of the government’s life, it has dealt with all these interpellations and resignations? Is it because the government is not coherent and capable of confrontation?

What we are experiencing is not like any democracy in the world. It is closer to the systematic killing of the state, which has been suffering for years due to an adventurous parliamentary practice based on personal interests only, while the government has resigned from its role.

This is exactly what has made the people look for salvation to exit this distorted democratic cycle that brought them nothing but misfortune and misery.

There are rumors about exorbitant under-the-table deals being accomplished by the MPs, who are well aware of the location of the government’s pressure points. Also, the prime minister is working on stripping his Cabinet of all protection tools because he is yet to make up his mind and preserve the authority of his government.

Therefore, it seems that sacrificing ministers is the new trend, at a time when parliamentarians are getting fiercer in their pursuit of more personal gains.

Well done to both the Defense and Interior Ministers for announcing their resignation in the presence of a National Assembly that was able to dominate a government whose leader’s only concern is to immunize himself from accountability, and has no objection to sacrificing ministers one after another.

Therefore, we only have the supreme leadership to turn to in order to get Kuwait out of this absurdity.

This can happen not only by dissolving the National Assembly, but also by dismissing this government, which is unable to protect itself, and coming up with a stronger one, which is composed of states figures and is able to remedy all the devastation caused by the four governments of Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, as well as the legislative authority that did not legislate what serves the country, the people and development.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times