Someone with all the tongues lasted for a short period in the previous assemblies. One stormed the assembly with rudeness, violence and screams. One of the fugitives went to Erdogan’s Turkey for fear of being imprisoned under the muzzling law, for which he was one of the proponents. He was stung by his own fire, thereby, reducing his value!
After his return, he was received by a tribal mob to the core, as if he liberated Jerusalem from the rule of the children of Israel. Therefore, pride took over him even though he was a sinner. He assumed the role of someone great and thought of himself as someone like Napoleon or Che Guevara.
He issued a statement that touched on one of the constitutional taboos. Instead of expressing thanks and gratitude, he repeated the broken record regarding the need for HH the Prime Minister and the National Assembly speaker to leave. Together with the honorable brother -- the president of the Supreme Judicial Council -- both the premier and speaker played an active role until the issuance of the decree on Amiri amnesty.
Most of those who read statement on social media were upset and surprised that he made such a statement, instead of offering verses of thanks and gratitude.
This is in addition to the demand that the amnesty includes our sons and daughters who are imprisoned with thieves and murderers, and those displaced in the western parts of the land through political asylum -- a matter that has blackened and worsened Kuwait’s reputation in the field of human rights.
Thus, we ask our wise leadership represented by His Highness the Amir, His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness the Prime Minister, His Excellency the Speaker of the National Assembly and His Excellency the President of the Supreme Judicial Council to ignore that statement which drips badly. We want to see the amnesty list consisting of those convicted of opinion crimes.
We also appeal to the honorable members of our current National Assembly to throw the infamous law in the garbage and to ratify another law which imposes a tangible fine on anyone convicted of speech or opinion crimes, as this is better and more useful than imprisoning those who express their opinions no matter how offensive their views are.
I say to the source of pardon, our Amir HH Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, may God protect him. In the old days, Arabs said while describing what happened to the abovementioned individual: “Be generous to a mean person and he will rebel!!”
By Ali Al-Baghli
Former Minister of Oil