Cabinet decree to open National Assembly (Parliament)

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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 20: The Kuwaiti Cabinet on Monday approved a draft decree convening the second ordinary session of the 16th legislative term of the National Assembly (Parliament) on October 26, 2021, sending it to His Highness the Amir for final approval.

The Cabinet also on Monday asked everyone nationwide to carry on complying with health guidelines until the coronavirus pandemic is over. The call came during the customary weekly meeting presided over by Acting Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah.

At the onset of the meeting, Minister of Health Sheikh Dr. Basel Al-Sabah gave a briefing on the latest health developments in the country as the number of Coronavirus infections has recently dropped. The Cabinet emphasized that all health precautions should be considered and those who have not as yet been vaccinated need to do so soon until the pandemic is totally contained, the health minister said. In this context, all health instructions should be met during elections and general assembly meetings of both public and private sectors, he added.

Regarding the latest Arab and international political developments, the Cabinet condemned a recent terrorist attack by Houthi militias against Saudi Arabia’s southwestern city of Jazan, using a ballistic missile and four bomb drones. It reiterated that the continuation of such aggressive attempts targeting civilians and properties represents a threat to the kingdom’s security and stability and a blatant defiance of international laws and norms. The Cabinet restated Kuwait’s total backing to the kingdom and stands by all measures it is taking to safeguard its security and sovereignty. The Cabinet, furthermore, voiced condolence over the demise of former Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, praying to Allah the Almighty to have mercy on his soul and grant his family patience and fortitude. (KUNA)

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