Cenmar’s compensation

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Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

CERTAINLY, Cenmar’s compensation is what the new kings of Iraq are giving us. The story is about a king named King Al-Nu’man I ibn Imru al-Qays from the era of Arab backwardness at that time. This king had requested a Byzantine architect named Cenmar to build him the most beautiful and unique palace of his empire.

Cenmar completed the task and told the king two things – first was about a brick in the palace that would cause the whole construction to collapse if it is moved, and he said he was the only one to know where this brick is. The second was that he could build a palace that moved with the movement of the sun rays.

Given that the king loved to be distinguished, he compensated Cenmar with what the latter did not deserve. He decided to kill Cenmar by throwing him off from top of the palace to the ground to die a horrible death.

I don’t know why I remembered this ancient historical event, which is about doing good to people who do not deserve it.

In our case, the people who don’t deserve it from Kuwaitis are the Iraqi people and their leaders – the successors of the king responsible for the death of the late Cenmar.

We did not spare our billions in the course of funding the criminal and serial killer of this era, who slew his peers and friends before slaying his enemies.

We all remember the Iraq-Iran war. We stood with him, and all our leaders put everything at the disposal of that vicious criminal; but he ended up compensating us with a reward from which the Cenmar compensation shys away.

And to fan the flames further, despite the viciousness of the compensation we received from the king of Cenmar, we continued to support Iraq in various aspects, such as building hospitals, roads and infrastructure including oil, water and agriculture. I wish that would have pleased the Iraqis, but unfortunately their politicians are looting the wealth of the Iraqis with the cooperation of those wearing turbans and the clergymen.

However, the major “Cenmaric” shock came in a report published on July 24-25 edition of Al-Qabas newspaper, in which it was boldly written – “To pay financial aid or hamper the maritime border discussions – Iraqi extortion of Kuwait”. According to the report, Baghdad had requested to participate in the maritime border negotiations with Saudi Arabia and Iran, and Kuwait responded – “You have no right…”

It is our right to tell our Iraqi brothers – “I nurtured but others benefitted”. Our stance in this regard coincides with the story of the late Cenmar – may Almighty Allah have mercy on his soul – with his king Al-Numan.

Email: [email protected]

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil

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