Former MP Ahmad Nabil Al-Fadl, (born in 1977), and contesting the National Assembly elections from the Second Constituency is considered one of the best and most prominent former representatives, and one of the few whose reputation was not tainted by any unacceptable “parliamentary” practices.
He holds a degree in administrative sciences from the Kuwait University. He worked for nearly twenty years in the private sector in the field of financial analysis and project management, and he was a Member of Parliament in the 2016 National Assembly for four years, during which his rhetorical abilities and advantages showed and proved his complete devotion to his work and his eagerness to attend committee meetings.
He also succeeded in presenting a set of proposals which got the nod, such as the abolition of prior censorship of publications. He also supported passing economic laws, including supporting small and medium enterprises, improving the business environment, and increasing the financing portfolio of the Industrial Bank of Kuwait to 150 million dinars, other than what is related to the National Project Fund.
He also submitted an amendment to the Law of Procedures to achieve justice in litigation by approving a petition for reconsideration of final judgments, and to appeal rulings in cases of cassation within 60 days instead of 30.
He also played a role in tightening penalties for spoiled food, amending the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fisheries Resources (PAAAFR) law, facilitating the procedures for establishing companies and amending their law in a way that contributes to the creation of commercial entities for young people, strong participation in issuing the public universities law, adopting the issue of exposing forged certificates.
He was also able, in his first parliamentary experience, to achieve achievements in the committees in which he worked and dust off the policy of suppressing proposals and raising them to the agenda. He was a member of the Finance Committee, the Legislative Committee, the Priorities Committee, and the Business Environment Improvement Committee, in addition to membership in the Sports Committee. This is not His effective contribution to approving amendments to the Tenders Law to give preference to local products, and approving the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence.
He contributed in ratifying the bills to facilitate the establishment of companies aimed at enhancing the youth participation. He contributed in the issuance of the law of public sector universities, conducted a campaign against fake academic certificates, contributed in ratifying the law to grant women the health authority on her children and contributed in the issuance of the Shiite personal status law.
He did a good job through his participation in a number of Parliamentary committees including Committee of Financial and Economic Affairs, Committee of Legislative and Legal Affairs, Priorities Committee, Committee of Improving Business Environment and Committee of Youth Affairs.
He contributed in the amendment of the law on Central Agency for Public Tenders aimed at granting special advantages to national products and contributed in the issuance of the law on protection from family violence.
Ahmad Al Fadhl is capable of grilling those who target him on social media (e-files) who ignored his entire parliamentary achievements and focused on trivial and personal issues.
Perhaps the reason behind their attack is the fact that Al Fadhl showed distinguished performance in the parliament and managed to sideline talkative extremists.
He was strong in facing a number of MPs with loud voices and empty minds. He is fully aware of the National Assembly law and devoting full time to his parliamentary mission helped him a lot to succeed.
In the recent elections, I supported former Minister and MP Jenan Boushahri from the Third Constituency because Al Fadhl refrained from running for the elections in 2022. Boushahri is no less efficient than Al Fadhl.
e-mail: [email protected]
By Ahmad alsarraf