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Our friend Abu Ahmad wonders: Is it possible for any soldier, in any army, not to know why he is fighting?

We saw the answer in the most backward armies during the occupation of Kuwait and in the most advanced armies, during the war to liberate Kuwait, where we found that the military, the majority of whom are under twenty-five, have no knowledge of why they are fighting, and no army, as far as I know, had time to direct its soldiers, raise their morale and explain to them the reasons and justifications for fighting.

Our friend goes on to ask why America has occupied countries and attacked all parts of the world for a century, claiming to defend its national security, thousands of kilometers away from its borders?

I do not know what the relationship between proximity and distance is with the security of a superpower. If al-Qaeda launched an attack, for example, from the South Pole, there is nothing to prevent it from being attacked even if it is 100,000 km away.

Whoever tries to justify or defend the actions and wars of the superpowers will fail in his mission, as wars are immoral, but they become necessary if they are to prevent greater damage such as America’s intervention in World War II, which put an end to the ambitions of a bloody killer like Hitler.

America dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan in the second war was a crime but some justify it by saving more Japanese lives than others, who would have died in a conventional war.

Also, the war to liberate Kuwait would not have taken place under the pretext of Kuwait’s remoteness, as it is ten thousand kilometers away from America.

Many have fears about the decisions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, as there is almost no transparency in the Russian administration, and fear of continued Western expansion may be legitimate, but none of this justifies declaring war on Ukraine and erasing it from existence as an independent state, contrary to the will of its people.

What was the result of the individual Russian decision? Destruction, tens of thousands of deaths, burning of cities, millions of refugees, and continued failure with the beginning of the second year, to achieve any of the declared goals of the war, which the Russian leadership expected to end within a few weeks!

I do not think that the existence of Russia, as a superpower, was ever discussed in the thought or mind of any sane person in the West, but expansionist Russia was in everyone’s mind.

It was a bad colonial country throughout the period of the Cold War, which extended after the end of World War II, until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990, when we saw how much jubilation prevailed in all the former Soviet republics, as they declared their independence. Let us not forget, in this haste, the bloody Prague Spring, the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the shameful withdrawal, the invasion of Chechnya, and so on.

Our love and respect for America and the West is due in part to their role in liberating our homeland, but this respect for Western values and culture has been with me since I became aware.

This admiration did not prevent me from condemning the evil and criminality represented by American arrogance in more than one part of the world, but whoever is without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her.

The desire to dominate others, occupy their countries and enslave their people was the perseverance of almost all powers, and what prevented this or that state from expanding is its fear of the power of the other, and there is no expansionist colonial state better than others, but if I had to choose between being governed by a Western system compared to a Russian one, I would not hesitate to choose the West for several well-known considerations.

It is wise, in a changing world in which there are no permanent friendships, not to put our eggs in one basket, and therefore I do not intend to be hostile to Russia or others, for the sake of America’s eyes, but the preference in front of me is clear, if I am given a choice, so my freedom of speech, movement and action is an essential issue, and this is not available in a country ruled by an individual regime, whose power has no limits.

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By Ahmad alsarraf