Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

THESE days, the most talked-about issue – louder than any other voice – is the coronavirus, even though the daily rate of deaths due to influenza, and diseases of the heart and nervous system across the world is hundred times higher than coronavirus-related deaths.

China, which is claimed to be the source of the coronavirus, records about 80,000 deaths due to causes that are not related to the coronavirus. The coronavirus victims in the country of origin are not more than tens of people from a population of over one billion.

The problem is that people talk more about the coronavirus than the heart issues. When you switch on your phone, you hardly open WhatsApp, Twitter or Facebook pages before you come across alarming stories about the origin of coronavirus, methods of treatment, and cure. Everybody has become a doctor and a scientific researcher in laboratories, searching for medicines to cure coronavirus!

In Kuwait, we see some looking for sectarian funeral to wail … They say the worst and unpleasant things about this country, its people and officials. The sectarian elements were bitter to the bone marrow the first time some citizens arrived in Kuwait from a holiday in Iran or after undergoing medical treatment there. They protested against the Minister of Health Dr Bassel Al-Sabah and the MP Khalid Al-Shatti, who, according to them, did not isolate the people, who were brought from Iran to allegedly transmit its coronavirus to us, in a hospital?!

They closed their eyes or ignored the fact that the hospitals in Kuwait lack enough medical crews for regular patients who are not infected with coronavirus. So which hospital can accommodate hundreds of Kuwaitis and expatriates in its rooms? Yet, they didn’t say a word about the citizens who arrived from China, South Korea, Italy and Egypt lately, even though these countries have the highest number of coronavirus cases and deaths. They shut the very mouths that they used to spit that deadly sectarian poison when Ministry of Health isolated many people, who arrived from infected countries, in hotels and resorts, while hundreds of others were instructed to stay isolated in their homes.

People infected with sectarian diseases in our society are like worshippers of conspiracy theories. Some of the proponents of the conspiracy theory accused America of making billions from that disease whose microbes were allegedly manufactured in the American laboratories, considering the loss incurred by the new economic foe of the United States. Some others accused the legendary wealthy Rothschild family, which has been controlling the banking and finance sectors for ages.

These proponents of the conspiracy theory did not realize the fact that the virus has hit more than one state in America, and President Trump has announced a national plan to confront it. Lovers of this theory are yet to explain to us how the evil virus reached Italy in Europe. Did the Jewish Rothschild family send it there to avenge the murder of their gunrunning Shylock cousin, which was created by the fiction of William Shakespeare?!

This fictional Jewish Shylock personality reminds us of tens of his ilk among the sectarians in Kuwait.

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By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil