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The Ministry of Social Affairs issued a decision in 2019 forming the ‘Ensan Charity Society’. The aim was to give lessons and lectures on adherence to virtue and good morals, spreading religion through various means and technologies and media inside Kuwait, and providing financial and in-kind assistance and sponsor students inside Kuwait and to facilitate the means for donors to support the needy with Zakat funds, alms, grants and donations inside and outside Kuwait, and to provide relief services, medical, living and educational aid, and care for orphans and widows in disaster areas outside Kuwait.

The goals of the establishment of the said charity are almost repeated, and do not differ from the goals of the rest of the charity societies. Despite the noble goal of establishing the Society which is not much different from the goals of the rest of the charity societies, I was surprised that it, or whoever represented it, published a propaganda message declaring that it is the first charity in Kuwait which does not touch the money of donors to pay those who are working for the society.

This was followed by an interview with a radio station broadcast on YouTube in which the president of the society stated that it is the first charity in Kuwait that does not take anything from the donors’ money, and this claim is contrary to the truth. The Human Friendship Society, a charity organization that was proclaimed in April 2018, is the first society that announced in all its correspondence, website and letters that it does not deduct any sums from the donation funds for those in charge of it.

The Human Friendship Society is distinguished by other unique advantages. Its board members and founders are the largest donors to the society, and among them are men and women who are known for their benevolence and national social activity. The Human Friendship Society is also distinguished by its uniqueness because it targets groups which often do not get enough attention from other societies.

The Human Friendship Society is also distinguished and unique in being the only charity organization that publishes its annual budgets in the daily newspapers. On top of that, it publishes, with complete transparency all donations it receives and the names of donors on its website

Our observation regarding the primacy of the Friendship Society in announcing that it does not deduct any sums from the donation funds for those in charge of it, should not be understood as diminishing the importance of what the Ensan Charity Society announced, but only to put things into perspective on the one hand, and to commend the Ensan establishment, and urge the rest of the charity societies follow both of us as model examples and to stop unreasonable deduction rates from the donation funds for those in charge of them, which sometimes multiply with the transfer of donations to affiliated organizations abroad to spend them on the needy, and deducts another large percentage of the donations.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf