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 “THE future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it, and execute it ...” With this phrase, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum summarized his call for a two-day ministerial retreat that he will preside over along with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed.

During the retreat, the participants will discuss about the United Arab Emirates’ priorities for the next 50 years, the form of the government, and ways to accelerate the process of development and improve the business environment and the economy through a series of plans and initiatives to prepare ‘our minds, mobilize our energies, and equip our institutions for what the UAE will be like in the next fifty years’, as said by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid.

This is an insightful vision, and these are the leaders who build countries, because they foresee the future and put in place preemptive plans that rearrange priorities in order to maintain the path of progress and development.

These are the leaders who do not leave matters to a partisan MP, an archivist, or a political expert who does not know anything but cooking and have no other skills that distinguish him.

Providing a better life for the new generations is the top task of the leaders. It is their constant concern, because the leadership of the state is the title of their success.

When the UAE launches this initiative, it will be based on the outcome of serious work in preparing the local environment, which has continued since the first day of the declaration of the federation at the same pace for fifty years to build on what it will be.

In the last decade, modernization processes in the region were not limited to the Emirates. It happened in Saudi Arabia, which was flooded with some dark and destructive minds imbued with the ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood Group, and some of the dark people in the swamps of backwardness.

However, this dismal legacy was dusted off via a firm decision by King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and with high efforts related to study and implementation by the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to completely change its image within five years, and enter the era of leadership in modernity, as well as socially and economically.

This comes after Saudi Arabia lost a large area of its political relations in the past due to the tragic decisions that were the subject of constant criticisms from international organizations. Today it has become an example in economic and societal development, at least within the Middle East.

The leaders of the countries that prospered had worked on the principle that is based on being on top of everything, no matter how small it is. They looked at the future with wisdom, and did not leave their affairs to chance or opinions based on seeing people whose main concern is preserving their jobs.

Such people fear to say the truth that serves the country and the citizens, so that they do not lose their job privileges.

Managing countries requires a skill, a deep understanding of the economic and political game, and figuring out how to invest everything to serve the future of the country and the future generations, instead of relying on advisers who are quick to cast the blame on others whenever they go wrong.

While the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and some Gulf countries are moving towards the future with bold decisions and steady steps, there are Arab and Gulf countries that are standing still, or rather retrogressing, because they left matters in the hands of people who are not competent. All that they are doing is slaughtering their countries, and all that we can say is – May Allah help us.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times