KUWAIT CITY, June 28: As of June 25th 2021, Germany has opened its borders to fully vaccinated people. Entry from third countries is generally permitted again from 25 June 2021. The traveler must have received the last vaccination dose that is necessary for full vaccination (in the case of a person who has recovered from coronavirus only one dose is necessary) at least 14 days before the date of travel and the vaccine the person has received must currently be either
• BioNTech/Pfizer
• Moderna
• Johnson&Johnson (1 dose)
• a combination of Astra-Zeneca and Biontech/Pfizer
• a combination of Astra-Zeneca and Moderna
People who have been vaccinated in accordance with these requirements may enter Germany for any travel purpose. Please note: This does not apply to entry from countries categorized as areas of virus variants of concern; restrictions on entry or transport from areas of virus variants of concern also apply to fully vaccinated people. The State of Kuwait is not categorized as an area of virus variants at the moment. From 28th of June 2021 our visa application center VFS Global (https://visa.vfsglobal.com/kwt/ en/deu/) will be open for visa-applications.
Third country nationals may apply if their return to Kuwait is scheduled after August 1 2021. Third country nationals who fulfill the requirements, may apply, if return is scheduled after August 1,2021. For a person, who has recovered from a COVID-19 infection, a single dose of a vaccine is sufficient.
A proven record (PCR-Test) of a COVID-19 infection between 28 days and six months before the vaccination must be provided. Children under the age of 12 and who are not yet vaccinated may enter the country with proof of a negative test (PCR test or antigen test) when accompanied by at least one fully vaccinated parent. Children under the age of 6 do not require proof of a negative test.
Travelers, who do not require a visa, may prove their vaccination status with the IMMUNE app- or the KUWAIT MOBILE ID app. For non-vaccinated persons travel to Germany is currently not possible, since all other earlier restrictions are still in place. A detailed list of criteria can be found on the website of the German Embassy https://kuwait.diplo. de/kw-en/-/2467640 Applications should be made as early as possible, at least 15 days prior to travelling. Due to a high volume of calls and emails the German Embassy would like to stress that questions, which are answered with the information provided on the website cannot be answered individually.