White mushroomsKUWAIT CITY, Nov 26, (KUNA): Environment Public Authority (EPA) warned the public Sunday against approaching white mushrooms which appeared in different parts of Kuwait in the wake of the heavy rainfall. The white mushroom belongs to the Amanita family, which consists of over 600 types mostly poisonous, EPA said in a short statement. This white mushroom may cause allergy, it noted.Meanwhile, Kuwait’s Environment Public Authority (EPA) said Sunday it spotted red tide two miles from Al- Shamlan boat-docking area. An EPA team inspected surrounding maritime areas and collected samples from waters where color changed to red, it added in a statement. Tests showed an increase in the Myrionekta rubra, or 355,000 cells in every liter, thus causing the red tide but it is not poisonous. The EPA said its team also noticed an increase in the chlorophyll in areas near Kuwait Towers, Green Island, Abdullah and Al-Zour Ports, Al-Shuaiba station and Al-Khairan chalets