"Expats do not care about Kuwait’s development , Their main concern is getting high salaries, live a prosperous life" - MP Safa’a Al-Hashem Kuwait's only female MP Safaa al-Hashem is known for her anti-migrant stance (AFP)KUWAIT CITY, May 14: The proposal to dispense with expatriates who are 65 years old and above which was discussed at a meeting between representatives of the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) and representatives of business owners associations is just a study, reports Al- Rai daily quoting government sources.Minister of State of Social Affairs and Labor and State Minister of Economic Affairs Hind Al-Sabeeh told the daily, “The outcome of the meeting with the concerned parties on the proposal to prevent the issuance of a work permit, renewal and transfer of expatriate workers, who have reached the age of 65 has been referred to the Policy Center of the Secretariat General for Planning to study the subject and give its opinion.”For her part, MP Safa’a Al-Hashem told the daily. “The consensus in the visions between the KCCI and PAM and the Employers’ Union on preventing work permits for those who reached the age of sixty-five is a good step in the right direction. “I do not think that going ahead with this step will have an impact on the labor market or expertise,” she said.“What experiences are we talking about? They (the expatriates) simply do not care about Kuwait’s development. Their main concern is getting high salaries, live a prosperous life in a country that has never asked them to pay any fees for all the services it offers them free of charge.” Al-Hashem stressed, “The expatriates have never worked even for one day to train the Kuwaitis and make room for them. I hope the decision will be implemented. I will be very keen that this agreement includes all foreign consultants working in the state institutions and occupies important posts in the country.”The chairman of the Replacement Committee of the National Assembly, MP Khalil Al-Saleh, explained that “the reduction of the number of expatriates who exceed three million has become a popular and government demand, in the absence of jobs for Kuwaitis.”He talked about the termination of services of unqualified expatriates who are a burden on the state. We do not support ending the services of all expatriates, especially those who have experience in some fields which are not available among Kuwaitis. There are professions that still need expatriates, even if they are 65 years old, especially those with experience and professional excellence.”Meanwhile, PAM said the motive behind issuing this decision is keeping in mind of regulating the labor market and providing opportunities for young workers, both citizens and expatriates.However, the representatives of federations also presented their views on this decision, and explained that it may be positive in some respects, but should take into account the experts and some of the humanitarian and professional conditions that surround them, including the abandonment of experiences that are difficult to compensate.The unions have been asked to submit their views and suggestions on the draft resolution to the Chamber, which in turn will communicate with PAM to reach a compromise formula that meets the needs of the private sector and taking into account the interests of the national economy.