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THE Mullah regime diverted the attention of its people from miserable internal conditions when Khomeini’s coup against Shah succeeded in 1979, in addition to physical extermination among supporters of the new regime and their opponents.

This was done by launching terrorist cells in Iraq and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries to commit terror crimes in Iraq.

At the time, the late King Fahad bin Abdulaziz advised Saddam Hussein to refrain from responding and do not allow the Iranians to remain divided. However, Saddam did not take the advice. Instead, he instigated the Iraq-Iran war which helped Iranians unite behind their government.

Throughout the past decades, Tehran’s regime has been striving to export crises by interfering in the affairs of neighboring countries and the Arab world; in addition to armament projects and political blackmail.

This led to imposition of more sanctions on Iran. This is the excuse which the regime is presenting to its people, portraying it as conspiracy against Iran in a bid to prevent populace revolution against the regime.

Today, the regime of peacock pride is trying, through the Houthis’ ballistic attacks, to lure the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to war, similar to the war which lasted for eight years.

After Iran failed in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Bahrain; it turned to Yemen with the belief that the latter is a lean frontier, such that it will easily penetrate GCC States. It is either anticipating victory or dragging Saudi Arabia into war to relive the 1980s.

What the Mullah regime missed in this matter is the fact that the global dynamics in the 1980s have completely changed.

The Soviet Union no longer exists and Russia is not in a position to perform a strong role, in addition to the fact that the world is no longer divided into eastern and western camps.

Instead, alignments are imposed by the interests of countries. The Iranian regime is not similar to that of the communist Cuba in terms of having missile crisis along the Miami border.

It is worth mentioning that during the Cuban missile crisis with the US, Cuba did not have a nuclear project which threatened international peace and security. The current Russian ally among the six countries which are signatory to the Iranian nuclear deal, Moscow’s economy, and oil interests are different from the interests of Tehran.

In addition, The United Nations Security Council issued international resolutions imposing certain restrictions on Iran. In case Iran violates these resolutions, it cannot get out of the retribution circle which seems to intensify as the US cancellation of the nuclear deal slated for May approaches.

The whole deal will collapse once the US cancels it, because the other countries — Russia and China — will follow suit. This entails invoking Chapter VII of the UN Security Council’s resolution, which will warrant strict inspection of whatever enters and exits Iran.

This picture is clear for Saudi’s decision makers. Therefore, the kingdom will not be lured into war which, for Tehran, is a life vest to ensure survival of the regime because its people will unite behind it; thereby, prolonging its life.

Instead, the new sanctions and international condemnation of Iran’s acts through the Houthis, difficult living conditions of its people, and deterioration of its currency will intensify people’s rage and revive demonstrations which every Iranian city has been witnessing since the beginning of the current year.

In other words, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not be lured into war with Iran through the outdated ballistic missiles falling in the desert. This will make the regime devour itself and collapse through slow death.

Consequently, Iran’s gangs, militias and destructive schemes in the region will also fall.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times