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author name Arab Times

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Firstly I want to thank you for posting all your Legal Clinic answers online. As you can see, most questions are from expatriates who cannot always follow Arabic so your answers are very helpful to us.

I completed 3 years and 3 months with my previous employer on Visa 18 as an engineer. I am now in another firm but I have issues with getting a release from my previous employer.

I have e-mail proof and handing over verification. I have been to MOSAL (Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor) — Kuwait City and PAM (Public Authority for Manpower) — Jabriya but no one seems to understand! Could you please tell me where exactly to go? I need to get a release!

I also checked on the following link: news/resignation-refused/, but could not get the information I wanted.

The above doesn’t tell me where to go specifically because I’ve been there with my current employer’s paper, asked them for Private Sector No. 18 area and no one seems to know.

Name withheld Answer: You can keep running from pillar to post but you will not be able to get the work done nor will the concerned department do the transaction for you as this can only be done by the authorized company representative (mandoub).

Please also remember that these transfers are sanctioned by the Public Authority for Manpower but your mandoub can do most of the work electronically, except for the stamping of the residence on the employee’s passport which must be done at the Immigration Department.

The problem lies with the fact that not all cases are being handled by PAM, in fact a major portion is still being tackled by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor.

So, let the mandoub handle the transaction. He knows the exact persons to approach and also has the papers which authorize him to complete the transactions on behalf of the company.

If you are bent on doing the work yourself, just go to any of the above two departments and only ask for the counter where the transfers are done – nothing else.

Email your queries to [email protected] / [email protected]