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The fact that his doctorate certificate was fake and after this came to be known he disappeared from the scene and I think that people forgot this scandal.

A few days ago, he returned as a media representative of the ministry, and his fake scientific title was flashed on state television during major events which were held abroad recently.

What is the benefit of the doctorate title if it does not tally with his knowledge and morals? Why this fake love, and why are our people so conscious of the title ‘D’ to the extent it affects them?

He is a well-known cleric and a deputies ‘maker’. He claimed to have obtained his Sharia Doctorate from the United States although he does not even understand its language.

This issue was swept under the carpet for a while perhaps in the belief people will forget about his scandal. He returned to his activity and his column a while ago, appending his name with the letters Dr to give his opinions without any respect for the minds of those who ask him because they often do not know what the letters PhD mean.

At the beginning of his life, he worked as a sorcerer to remove the jinn from the human bodies. One of his attempts caused the death of an innocent soul, when he tried to beat the jinn out of the victim.

He was sentenced to ten years in prison, and his relations with a religious party helped him, so the matter was covered up in his favor after which he obtained the Kuwaiti citizenship.

A newspaper and a TV channel made him famous, became a star and made a fortune, but the miserable protest movement caused the closure of the newspaper and the channel, which affected his situation.

He boldly, verbally attacked the leadership at that time, so his citizenship was revoked and he migrated to a Muslim European country to take care of his real estate there.

Things developed, and a committee of similar thoughts and looks was formed, and it issued a recommendation to restore his citizenship.

For a while, he did not say a word thinking people will forget his history and crime but he recently returned with force to the arena to collect donations (money) in the name of other associations to increase his bank balance from charity funds for he knows that this way is the least expensive and effortless and the best money-earning method, especially since there are so many willing to believe him.

Our positions with Egypt are well known, and it is the country that receives the most aid from us and our relationship with Cairo for 70 years or more has always been fine, and therefore it was strange that a decision was taken some time ago that a Kuwaiti, and perhaps the rest of the Gulf citizens, must obtain a visa upon arrival after payment of $25 fee. We hope to cancel this offensive fee, especially since it has not been applied to others.

The Qur’an Printing Authority was established ten years ago, during which it failed to print a single copy of the Holy Book. Tens of millions of dinars have been spent for nothing. After waiting for nearly 4,000 days, it announced the day before yesterday that a tender has been floated for the design and operation of its electronic Quran application. Will we wait another ten years to see the authority printing a Quran copy?

Note that the applications of the Qur’an are available on the Internet for free, and there is no need to float a tender at all. Can there be a bigger scandal than this?

Some praised the young Minister of Information, and I heard good words about him from trustworthy sources. I regret hearing the news that the Ministry has banned the circulation of the book of the Emirati professor ‘Jamal Al-Suwaidi’ on the history of the Muslim Brotherhood!

After finding out more about it, the news turned out to be incorrect. Thanks to His Excellency the Minister, and we hope that he will activate the activities of art, culture and literature.

email: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf