KUWAIT CITY, March 29: MEED magazine quoted informed sources as saying that the Kuwait Oil Company plans to float a tender for a new gas desalination plant in western Kuwait, reports Al-Rai daily. The daily quoting oil sources added that the plans for the project are still in the initial stage and are expected to be launched in the first or second quarter of 2024. It is estimated that the value of the main contract for the project is around $300 million, but it could be much bigger depending on the final specifications of the planned facility.
For their part, gas desalination plants reduce levels of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in natural gas. If natural gas contains only trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, it is referred to as “sweet gas” and is non-corrosive, requires little refining and can be easily transported to where it is consumed. There are several ways to desalinate gas, while the equipment used varies in terms of efficiency, cost and size. The magazine had previously reported that the KOC plans to award two contracts for two major oil projects before the end of the year, with a total value estimated at about $1.35 billion, and that the bid packages for the two projects have been submitted to the Central Agency for Public Tenders.
The cost of the first project, known as EF/2058, is about $650 million, and it focuses on expanding two wastewater disposal plants in the oil and gas sector, EWDP-1 and EWDP-2. The first facility is located about 20 kilometers south of Kuwait City, while the second is located About 40 kilometers south of the capital. As for the second project, which is expected to be awarded before the end of the year, it bears the reference number EF/2059 and its value is estimated at about $700 million.