Kuwait pledges USD 40 mln for fight against coronavirus at EU fundraiser event

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BRUSSELS, May 4 (KUNA) — The State of Kuwait Monday pledged an amount of USD 40 million in contribution to global efforts to fund research on a vaccine and other tools to combat the coronavirus.

“I would like to announce that the State of Kuwait in its endeavors to support this Conference and future international attempts to halt the spread of the Coronavirus will pledge 40 million USD,” Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah told the online Coronavirus Global Response pledging event hosted by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

“Thus Kuwait’s total donation to support global efforts in this battle amounts to a total of 100 million US dollars,” he noted.
“I thank the EU and all our co-hosts for organizing such an important event. Once again I would like to reiterate Kuwait’s readiness to closely cooperate in the fight against this virus,” he stressed.

“It is my honor to represent His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Amir of the State of Kuwait, who wishes you the best in all endeavors, especially in combatting Coronavirus,” he said.
Sheikh Ahmad Nasser said that since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, Kuwait has donated 60 million USD to support the efforts of the WHO to respond to the Coronavirus threat in vulnerable countries.

The WHO plays a decisive role in containing the spread of the virus and the State of Kuwait will continue to provide all kinds of support to this very important organization, he underlined.

He expressed Kuwait’s appreciations to von der Leyen, “for her great efforts in putting together this global conference to accelerate the development, production, and equitable access to the new COVID-19 diagnostic therapeutics and vaccines.”

The Kuwaiti foreign minister said that the EU maintains an important role and a high level of status and global respect and stressed the importance of collective efforts in combatting the Coronavirus pandemic.
He urged the participants that despite the battle raging against Coronavirus, “we must not forget our efforts to support the people of the world. There are still the issues of refugees, migrants, poverty, famine, and the spread of other diseases.”

On her part, Von der Leyen in her introductory remarks said “the Gulf and the Middle East are strong partners in this endeavour.”
Observers in Brussels pointed out that Kuwait’s pledge at today’s global fundraising event is one of the biggest.
Earlier, von der Leyen said the aim of the major event is to initially collect 7.5 billion euro (USD 8 billion) for treatments and vaccines against the coronavirus.

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