Kuwait Towers during the early morning hours (Ahmad Suroor — KUNA)KUWAIT CITY, March 24: Ensuring Kuwait has taken a series of steps to criminalize human trafficking and eradicate this practice, and understanding the significance of international cooperation to wipe out this crime are some of the points raised at a recent seminar on human trafficking organized inside Othman Abdul Malik Auditorium at College of Law in Kuwait University, reports Al- Rai daily.Professor of Penal Law at Kuwait University and Secretary General of Faculty of Law Council Dr Bader Al-Rajehi affirmed that human trafficking is one of the earliest bad habits of human beings. He explained that this horrible practice emerged after abolition of slavery such that it later adopted various ways of exploiting human beings.Women and children are the major victims in the hands of cartels who are working underground in many places across various countries. Dr Al-Rajehi affirmed, “This is a serious crime coming only third behind gunrunning and drug trafficking, considering the rate of profit involved”.Contributing to the topic was another Professor of Law at Kuwait University Dr Ali Al-Dousari who declared that many crimes are embedded in human trafficking such as prostitution and trading in human parts. He affirmed that the international community has been cooperating to wipe out human trafficking, due to which some international agreements have been signed to criminalize it. Dr Al-Dousari said he wished the Kuwaiti Constitution had stipulated death sentence for people who practice human trafficking. At the same time, he observed that this might not have happened “due to the intention of the international community to wipe out corporal punishment”.