Kuwaiti factories produce 2 sterilization products

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KUWAIT CITY, May 16: Tariq Al-Kandari, CEO of Al-Kout Industrial Projects Company, confirmed that the Kuwaiti factories achieved self-sufficiency in sterilization materials, revealing the company’s success in producing two new products for sterilization, the first is ‘Hypochloride acid’ which is a sterilization product that contains an active substance with a concentration of 500 parts per million and is used to sterilize surfaces, and the second is chlorine dioxide, reports Al-Anba daily.

Personnel from the Public Authority for Industry are inspecting the products at the factory

Al-Kandari revealed during a special meeting with Al-Anba that the ‘Al-Kout Factory’ is currently working in cooperation with the Ministry of Electricity and Water to establish two main stations to sterilize drinking water, the first in the Al-Mutla’a area and the second in the Al-Zour region, where the drinking water will be sterilized using ‘chlorine dioxide’.

Al-Kandari stated the company is in the process of operating the ferric chloride factory (Iron III) before the end of this year, in addition to a study to establish another factory to produce “sodium chloride”, a product that is used in the manufacture of ‘chlorine dioxide’, expecting to obtain approval for this factory before the end of 2020

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