INDEED, success generates enemies. However, a wise person is the one who knows when to walk away to avoid becoming an easy prey for his haters.
Every successful person has hundreds of envious people who are hurt by his success. These people hence do their best to undermine him and bring him down.
A conscious mother tells her son, “May your haters increase”, which means that you are successful but it does not mean to continue challenging others.
By indulging more in confrontations, an individual’s ability to resist weakens, as he will be afflicted with some arrogance, and will not be able to count his profits and losses.
Perhaps this saying applies to the young Speaker of the National Assembly Marzouq Al-Ghanim whose political demeanor led to the generation of many haters. However, his ego continued to push him for more challenges, which led him to be admired by many in high positions, and also brought down many of his haters.
Naturally, this led him to being envied by his opponents who did not leave an occasion without brandishing a sword of hostility on his face. It is true that some swords got broken, but their owners returned to the arena of confrontation more fiercely.
For several years, Al-Ghanim was one of the three people who were told publicly, “Kuwait is your trust... preserve it.”
He stood in the face of the ambassadors of major countries and in international conferences and symposiums, and said what he said. Some of them were credited to him, and some were credited against him, but he stood firm on his position.
Marzouq Al-Ghanim’s real crisis is that he does not retreat. He continues to challenge others. However, his vigor is less in such challenges, which increases his opponents.
Therefore, if he is considered as one of the leaders of the deep state, there is no doubt, as it has become clear, that there is more than one deep state. Each of them has its own leaders, methods, approaches and tools, and it also has its opponents who multiply like rabbits.
This is why he worked to bring them down. They also sought to bring him down, but it seems that their means have become more ferocious than his.
For nine years, this young man smashed many heads, and also received several praises from those who rejoiced at his victory. This is due to the fact that they saw in it a victory for themselves.
Given that every era has a state and its men, there is no doubt that this era is much different from what some imagine. Despite that, those who know Marzouq Al-Ghanim are well aware that he is fond of the challenge. However, it must be admitted that it is not the era for the challenge, but rather the era for walking away so that the legs of the horse whose jumps were frequent and long, do not get broken.
Al-Ghanim jumped a lot... Things are still open to all possibilities. Although “whatever is in the pot can be seen by spatula”, he must first realize well that “what is in the trap is bigger than a sparrow”.
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times