Mass rally in Palestinian support

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Our position will never change: MP

KUWAIT CITY, May 20: Hundreds of citizens responded to the calls to support their Palestinian brothers in the face of the Zionist atrocities and gathered at the Erada Square. For the second time, after issuing a statement that unauthorized gatherings are considered a violation of the law, “which is something that the Ministry of Interior will never allow,” the Ministry relented and allowed the public to walk to the Erada Square, after it threw a security cordon at the square and barricaded all roads leading to the Square for vehicular traffic before the people headed for the Erada Square.

Burning the flag of the Zionist entity after trampling on it.

In this context, MP Hamad Al-Hamad affirmed that the civil society and political forces have channeled their energies in support of the just cause and added, “We all aim to pray in Jerusalem, where there are those trying to point the compass needle in the other direction.” Former MP Muhammad Al-Dalal said the Kuwaitis will not allow any transgression of the rights of the Palestinian people, and that they will not watch as spectators to what is happening in Gaza and Jerusalem.

He called on the Kuwaiti people to participate in the relief campaign which has been launched to support the Palestinians, stressing that such campaigns will be the real and basic support for the reconstruction of Gaza. MP Hamad Al-Matar said the Kuwaiti people are accustomed to expressing their opinion in the Erada Square in line with the constitution. A member of the Political Bureau of the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement, Hamad Al-Ansari, said, the Kuwaiti people have experienced the bitterness of the invasion and occupation, “so our position on the Palestinian issue will never change.” – By Muhammad Ghanem Al-Seyassah Staff

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