Ministry forms ‘rapid Intervention’ force to monitor child abuse cases

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Center provides psychological, health services and protection

KUWAIT CITY, Nov 9: The Supreme Council for the Family and the Child Protection Office in the Ministry of Health interacted with a complaint filed by the grandmother of two girls whose mother beat them and literally terrorized them, reports Al-Qabas daily. The report was received by the Protection Office on the 6th of this month, and relates to “a citizen’s assault on her two daughters, one of whom is 4 years and the other 7, and threatening to burn if the abuse was disclosed.”

Legal measures
Interacting with the situation, the Minister of Women and Childhood Affairs Mai Al-Baghli revealed that she was following up on the incident and its circumstances, and that she has “directed the Secretariat of the Family Affairs Council to communicate with the case immediately and take the necessary legal measures regarding the incident in cooperation with the concerned authorities in the state.”

Al-Baghli announced the formation of a “rapid intervention” team, comprising the competent authorities, to monitor cases of abuse and violence against children, and to seek the assistance of all expertise and energies through the psychological rehabilitation program, to help those who are exposed to some form of violence, abuse or harassment. In addition, the Council drew attention to its communication with the case and taking the necessary action, while the Child Protection Office confirmed that measures were taken to protect the two girls, by submitting a report to the Juvenile Protection Department for research and investigation, to follow up on the legal issues related to the report.

The office stated, through its Twitter account, that a specialized team assessed the condition of the two girls in a hospital and followed up their condition. In this context, Al-Qabas learned that the Family Council, through the Fener Listening Center, is sheltering two cases of domestic violence that have been followed up since the complaint was registered, and providing them with psychological and health services and protection. Sources in the council said that one of the two cases was discharged yesterday, after providing them with safety and the completion of the case in the legal form, while the other remained in the center under the care of specialists.

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