Ministry of Health issues ‘statistics’ on people infected by COVID-19 in Kuwait

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KUWAIT CITY, March 17: Official statistics issued by the Ministry of Health shows Iran tops the list of countries that brought the coronavirus into the country with 86 cases, followed by the United Kingdom 16 cases, Azerbaijan 12, Egypt 3, France and America 2 each and Spain and Qatar one each, reports Al-Rai daily.

People standing in queue to be tested for coronavirus

According to official figures, 123 cases have been recorded by Kuwait as of yesterday and they are related to travel to the eight virus infected countries. This comes after registering 11 new cases; 4 cases of citizens related to travel to the United Kingdom and 3 cases of citizens who came in contact with cases related to travel to the same country.

As for the last four cases, they belong to three citizens associated with traveling to the United States, Iran and Qatar, and an Egyptian who had traveled to her country, and she was discovered during an examination at the International Fair Ground.

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