Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital rejects rumor

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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 30: Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital has denied the rumor that a patient was found to be infected with coronavirus when he visited the hospital, reports Al-Rai daily. In a press statement in response to the rumor, the hospital clarified that the patient arrived with a referral from a private hospital along with the coronavirus test result showing that he tested positive for the virus.

The patient was later transferred to Jaber Hospital to complete the required medical care as per the protocol of the Health Ministry, the statement added.

The statement affirmed that Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital is using an environmental disinfection unit to implement its daily disinfection program in all of its facilities, along with periodic and continuous training programs for workers in accordance with the infection prevention guidelines; while stressing that its current infection rate is within the normal and internationally recognized limits. The hospital then appealed to the public to obtain information from official sources only and to ignore rumors or reports from unreliable sources.

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