Oh Minister of Health, this is the reward of those who did this to us

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Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

ONE of the bribes our rational government gives the voters who elected the disgraceful and shameful members of Parliament is overseas medical treatment tours.

Until the Day of Judgment, we will never know what grave sin we committed to deserve such magnitude of corruption, which is breeding without deterrence in our country.

The scandals of the oil tankers and investments persist to this day. They are laden with laundered money worth billions, and bribes that contaminate all projects without shaking the chairs of any of the honorables – until Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad came and shook the highchairs of his kins and kiths; perhaps he was removed in order to prevent him from serving as an example to others – even the honorables among the aides and influentials who are controlling from behind the scene had blinked.

We are not talking about the heads of the oversight authorities, control and quasi-judicial bodies only, because they are fortunate and steadfast on their highchairs to the extent that even the Sphinx in the desert of the pyramids envy them for their highchairs where they sit and do none of their oversight and control duties against corruption, interpreting the saying – “I see no evil, I hear no evil, I speak no evil,” and so on.

They do not even give silent appreciation and gratitude, which preserves blessings, to those who put them on the highchairs … nevertheless, this is not our topic for the day.

Our topic is about the Ministry of Health and its catastrophic or “coronic” decisions – no difference!

These ill-studied decisions have and will render many, who do not have chalets, farms or livestock pens to go to, to stay in their homes.

These decisions have negatively affected thousands of our brothers in humanity with simple interests such as tailors, hairdressers and restaurant owners who declared their bankruptcy, as well as our youth who are owners of small and medium enterprises as they believed in one of their rational governments and did not go for jobs in the government sector after they were enticed with the so-called “Small and Medium Enterprises Fund”!

Most of these young entrepreneurs declared bankruptcy due to the catastrophic decisions of the Ministry of Health related to self-quarantine and social distancing which no other country except our government and its young health minister had adopted.

Now the Ministry of Health and its young Sheikh are required by their American “folks” to settle a sum of $700 million – the amount incurred for the medical treatments offered to Kuwaiti patients overseas.

Many of these patients, if not most, “deserve” treatment in the New World – the United States of America – with the help of their MPs who are pleased with them or MPs who are remotely controlled, paving the way for the government, its senior employees and most of its unnecessary authorities to swim into destitute corruption either as participants or as a favor and gratitude to their loyal voters.

To our government, which follows the ideas of its Minister of Health irrespective of whether they are right or wrong, we say – You are required to immediately pay our mutual American folks an outstanding $700 million. That is the punishment of those who induced such disasters on us Kuwaitis and expatriates.

Email: [email protected]

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil

This news has been read 86119 times!

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