There is no job in the world that takes half an hour of work a day, and does not require any skills, and yet its occupant deserves a generous salary, in addition to housing, food, electricity and water, annual vacations and bonuses, and sometimes permanent retirement, and the wage of the incumbent is more than the one who works for eight or ten hours a day in hard and dangerous situations.
This is the muezzin of the mosque, and we have about two thousand of them.
Their long hours of free time tempted few of them to commit stupidities and serious crimes, and this has been their case for many years.
They do a job that is not similar in the world, and the citizen does not want to do it, so the government is forced to bring them from abroad to perform this easy and dangerous task.
Its dangerous because the Ministry of Endowments does not want to find a solution to this idle hand due to its desire to inflate the “ministerial staff”, by employing its supporters, and to serve its religious party, politically and financially.
The involvement of a number of muezzins in immoral acts, inside and outside Kuwait, and what was reported on the Saudi “Al-Ikhbariya” channel about the seizure of imams and muezzins renting mosque facilities for their own account, and converting them into workers’ housing and a laundry, in addition to shops, was only a result of the aura that was placed over them, so they abused it, and their transgressions showed the necessity of imposing strict supervision on them because their work in religious activity should not give them any immunity.
For years, the issue of burning the Qur’an, especially in America and some European countries has preoccupied us strongly, so that our denunciation of the shameful act will return, and our bombings of innocent people will return, accompanied by screaming, demonstration and denunciation, and the burning of each other’s property, and weeping over what has befallen our sanctities, and the matter ends with nothing and the demands for a boycott disappear, with the destruction of all our imports of the abusive state products, for which we had previously paid the price, so that the voices subside and then return and rise again, in a well-known repetition and we are well-known for this.
Al-Azhar, for example, called for a boycott of all Danish, Dutch and Swedish products of all kinds, but it never called for a boycott of American products, for example, and they were the ones who preceded others in the burning process.
The Qur’an is not paper and pages, but what words, verses, acts of worship, lessons and ideals. I only see people who respect paper and its symbolism, and do not care much about the content.
Our demand of the world, and the West in particular, to respect our sanctities cannot be meaningful without us, at the same time, respecting their sanctities, and this is what we have failed to do for more than a thousand years.
Countries and large sectors of our societies still despise non-Muslims, and even large groups of Muslims and deny their sanctities.
We do not respect their symbols or their books, and we describe them as impure, so what kind of treatment do we expect from whom we describe with such ugly characteristics.
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By Ahmad alsarraf