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Talks on pharmacy bill fruitful: MPKUWAIT CITY, Feb 12: The Committee for Improvement of the Business Environment and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) during a meeting Monday approved amendments to Law No. 98/2013 to the National Fund for the Welfare and Development of SMEs. In a statement, the Committee Rapporteur MP Yousef Al-Fadalah stressed plans are underway to include the law on the agenda for discussion during Tuesday or Wednesday Parliament session.He pointed out the most important amendments approved by the committee is the launch of the Fund to finance projects or participate in the projects and other services, exercise control over the fund and organize the operation rather than be operated. Al- Fadalah confirmed the committee had approved the amendments two weeks ago, but the government surprised us last week and withdrew the draft law submitted by it to amend one of its articles, which led to the failure to include the law on the agenda during the last session.On another issue, Fadalah explained the committee, sensing the responsibility of the Pharmacy Law issued by the National Assembly in 2016, “we saw that some problems appear on the surface, and therefore officials of the Ministry of Health, the Union of Pharmacists and the Union of Drug Suppliers were summoned for a meeting. He stressed the meeting was fruitful and everyone present showed their cooperation. The committee has asked the Ministry of Health to form a subcommittee comprising representatives from the Union of Pharmacists and the Union of Drug Suppliers to submit their recommendations in this regard.Meanwhile, MP Hamidi Al Subaie said the Legislative Committee of the National Assembly has discussed the amendment of the Constitutional Court Law to reduce the bail to KD 3,000 instead of 5,000 and reduce the number of lawyers who submit case papers to two instead of three. He added the Legislative Committee has also taken into consideration a proposal to reduce the time frame concerning the dissolution of the parliament before the new elections.On another issue MP Nasser Al-Dousari called on the MPs to approve during Tuesday’s session deliberations the amendment to Article 29 of Law No. 32/1967 which allows non-Kuwaitis to join the army. Al-Dousari said he is surprised at the Parliament’s interference with the draft, which was originally presented by the government when it was discussed during the previous session as it was expected to be approved and referred back to the government.He said the draft law aims at cancelling the condition of enjoying nationality of other countries to join military service, so that non-Kuwaitis can be accepted into the army as experts or noncommissioned officers. He stressed the draft law should not be controversial, especially as it serves those dear to our hearts who have offered a lot for Kuwait. It also aims primarily manpower to join the military, to strengthen the country militarily and from the security point of view to fill the shortage of some jobs and the required disciplines in the army. He added the draft law contributes to filling the shortage of some jobs and disciplines in the army, which in turn will keep pace with the development in the technical field and the advancement and upgrading of the performance of the armed forces to the highest levelsBy Abubakar A. Ibrahim Arab Times Staff