MP slams CSC move on oil sector jobs
KUWAIT CITY, Oct 13: The Constitutional Court received 16 petitions regarding the results of the parliamentary elections on Thursday – the last day of submitting such petitions – increasing the total number of election related petitions to 43. Following are the candidates who submitted their petitions on Thursday per constituency:
First Constituency: Hani Hassan Hussain Second Constituency: Muhammad Ahmad Al-Awadhi Third Constituency: former MP Hesham Al-Saleh and Bashar Adel Al-Nassar
Fourth Constituency: Saad Hajras Al-Rasheedi, Thamer Marzouq Al-Abdali, Musaed Abdulrahman Al-Ardhi, Sultan Metni Al-Shemmari, Falah Ali Al-Muassab, Meshari Falah Al- Shemmari, Farz Al-Daihani and former MP Fayez Al-Jomhour
Fifth Constituency: Muhammad Hadi Al-Harbi, Wasmi Muhammad Al-Wasmi, Mubarak Abdullah Fehad and Husain Ali Al-Otaibi.
Al-Saleh disclosed that he appealed against the constitutionality of Decree 5/2022; citing Article 71 of the Constitution: “Where incidents requiring urgent action occur between sessions of the National Assembly or during its dissolution the Amir may, in such cases, promulgate decrees that shall have force of law provided they do not infringe on the Constitution or tamper with the estimates appearing in the Budgetary Law.
“Such decrees shall be submitted to the National Assembly within 15 days of their promulgation should the Assembly be in session, and at its first meeting following its dissolution should it have been dissolved, or following its lawful prorogation. Where the decrees are not so submitted, their force of law shall ipso facto cease, without necessity for the promulgation of a Resolution to that purport, with retroactive effect. Should they, however, upon submission, be unratified by the Assembly, their force of law shall cease retroactively save where the Assembly considered sanctioning their enforcement at the previous session or where it considered settling in another manner any measures resulting therefrom.”
Al-Saleh wondered if errors in the electoral rolls are considered urgent, which require the immediate issuance of decisions. He also stressed the importance of rectifying errors in the addresses of voters, but this action should be taken only after the National Assembly amends the relevant law to allow voting based on the address in the civil identification card. He expressed apprehension over the possibility that the government used the Decree to test the waters; such that it would wait for the results and keep the Assembly if it finds the results favorable, otherwise, it will refer the issue to the Constitutional Court in order to declare the election results null and void. Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Assembly Adel Al- Loughani disclosed in a press statement that new invitations to the inaugural session of the legislature will be distributed soon to senior officials, public figures and former MPs; clarifying the opening session has been rescheduled from Oct 11 to Oct 18, so the invitations distributed earlier are no longer valid. On the other hand, MP Abdulkareem Al-Kandari commented on the announcement of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) that the local labor market has no more slots for petroleum engineering graduates. He pointed out the CSC would not have made such an announcement if only the oil sector properly implemented resolution number 11/2017 on the nationalization of public sector jobs.
MP Muhammad Al-Huwaila believes the announcement of CSC indicates lack of coordination among Kuwait University, Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, and oil sector. He emphasized the need for an appropriate strategy to address the issue. He added Article 41 of the Constitution stipulates: “Every Kuwaiti shall have the right to work and to choose the nature of his occupation. Work is the duty of every citizen. Dignity requires it and the public welfare ordains it. The State shall make work available to citizens and shall see to the equity of its conditions.” By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Arab Times Staff