A traffic policeman is seen checking the documents of motoristsKUWAIT CITY, Nov 15: The public security officers responded positively to the appeals of the residents of Qadsiya to maintain law and order and public morals which happened inside cars in the parking lots of the cooperative societies, reports Al-Anba daily. A security source said the residents of Qadsiya directly appealed to the Assistant Undersecretary for Public Security, Major-General Ibrahim Al-Tarrah, expressing their displeasure at the negative and immoral manifestations that have spread in public places, particularly in parking lots of cooperative societies. Al-Tarrah ordered the presence of police patrols around the clock and not to be lenient with anybody who commits immoral acts.‘Drifters’ tackled: Officers from the Public Security Sector arrested 30 residency violators across the six governorates within the last 24 hours based on instructions from the Assistant Undersecretary for Public Security Affairs Major General Ibrahim Al-Tarrah, says Al-Seyassah. Meanwhile, a citizen expressed appreciation to Major General Al- Tarrah for strict measures he took to deal with drifters endangering life and property in Qadisiya area, as well as loiterers and eveteasers.Hawkers, absconders: Twentytwo expatriates have been arrested by the police from the Capital Security Directorate during security campaigns, reports Al-Rai daily. The daily added, some of those arrested are hawkers and others reported absconding by their employers. They have been referred to the deportation center. A security source said legal actions shall be taken against the sponsors.Record time behind bars: An unidentified Indian was reportedly held at the Qairawan Police Station for almost a year because he was caught for staying in the country illegally, reports Al-Shahed daily. The daily added, this is a record for a person to be held at a police station for so long. However, it has been reported the deportation process could not be completed because he carries a travel ban and the Deportation Center refused to receive him.By Raid Yusuf, Abdul-RahmanAl-Shammari, Abdul-NasserAl-Aslami & Munaif NayefAl-Seyassah & Arab Times Staff